3-year-old walking tall on new prosthetic legs following lawnmower accident


Staff member
A lot of the credit goes to hometown Shriners who, after the July 27, 2010, accident, hooked the family up with the Shriners Hospital for Children in Spokane, Wash., where Addison is getting the specialized care that keeps her on her feet.
"They heard about our accident and within two days they figured out who we were and asked if it was OK to contact us," Andrea said. "No fewer than four gentlemen stepped up and said that if we needed a sponsor, he would do it.
"It was an immediate sense of relief when they stepped forward and said 'We will help you,'" she said.
Andrea talked to The Gazette in advance of Saturday's East/West Shrine All-Stars Game at Laurel High School Stadium. The annual event is a longstanding fundraiser for Shrine Children's hospitals.
"I want more of the community to know about it and what it means to the families they help," she said.


Full Story 3-year-old walking tall on new prosthetic legs following lawnmower accident


I've been here before
I love these heartwarming stories.

How come they never have fun with prosthetics? How awesome would it be to have a set of prosthetic legs that were like goat legs? Sweet!


Masonic Mafia
How come they never have fun with prosthetics? How awesome would it be to have a set of prosthetic legs that were like goat legs? Sweet!
Could you imagine candidates coming into lodge for the EA degree and see a brother with two prosthetic goat legs . Would give a whole new meaning to "riding the goat" .