Building Boaz Book Challenge


Builder Builder
Solomon would be a problematical answer. That would disturb the analogy since Solomon was David's son...

From the Biblical and other records: God, Abraham (and his people), Jacob, Ornan, David, Solomon, many various kings who won through battle, various Roman emperors, Islam, etc... (I might have left a few out.)


I would have thought the answer was Solomon too. Honestly, I don't have a clue. I'm trying to contribute my answers based on memory.

I haven't looked anything up yet. I guess I'm going to have to do that if I want to answer intelligently. :eek:


ViMH Advisory Board
From the Biblical and other records: God, Abraham (and his people), Jacob, Ornan, David, Solomon, many various kings who won through battle, various Roman emperors, Islam, etc... (I might have left a few out.)
I would think it would be G-d that Bro. Bob would be looking for. I don't know for sure just guessing.

That would be why everything is erected to HIM, because it all was HIS given to us.


G-d crossed my mind as an answer, but it sounded too easy. But I asked myself, what would G-d have to winnow on the threshing floor? It's us humans that are sinful, and need of inner reflection to strive for perfection.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
However the threshing floor was used for actual threshing of grain. If Bro. Frank is alluding to a Freemason's threshing floor, then Deity is a good answer.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
How so? Explain your answer please.
We come from Deity and shall return some day.
G-d created the heavens and the earth and every creature, plant, etc.
By extension Deity created everything including our personal threshing floor, that battlefield we struggle upon to do our winnowing.

As a post-born-again Christian, that winnowing was done on my knees, in my current spiritual state, that winnowing is done in conversation with the Deity, Brothers, profane Brothers, and myself. It is not a singular battle, but rather a series of encounters with mortal, ethical, and spiritual junctions, where I weight what is good for me with what is good for the effected party or parties.