Founding Fathers program on History Channel


32° Scottish Rite
Did anyone happen to watch that painful "documentary" last night on the History Channel called the Founding Fathers Secrets? In case you missed it, they were basically saying that all of the founding fathers were raging alcoholic potheads who had sex with all of each others wives. Ben Franklin was a devil worshipper who's spirit still exists in the Hellfire caves in England, as they proved true by setting up ghost hunters in the caves, and claiming that these "mysterious" orbs of light are probably Ben Franklin because he was playful and humorous, and he wanted to play with these ghost hunters. Let's see, there was a paranoid older gentleman who was insanely arguing his conspiracy theories, and three other gentleman who all seemed a little drunk or high while being interviewed about their conspiracy theories. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or become extremely frustrated. It was the most misleading program I could have possibly imagined.

Thank God my wife fell asleep two minutes into it, or she would think that I am going to a huge drunken orgy every second Thursday of each month at the Lodge!

I am fully aware that George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson (not even factually known as a Mason) all were human, and surely had vices that history did not record, but this program made them out to be the likes of cult leaders and terrorists. The program actually called Sam Adams and Paul Bunyan colonial American terrorists, and Ben Franklin an arms dealer. Just exaggerating everything as much as possible. It was really ridiculous. If you thought MonsterQuest or Ice Road Truckers is bad, try to catch this program. You will lose all faith in the History Channel.

Okay, I am done venting now. Let me know if any of you chose to spend your time being frustrated for two hours like I did. Take care.


Masonic Mafia
I watched it the first time it aired . That was enough for me . I watched another show that stated that ol' Honest Abe was gay .


Masonic Mafia
Me too !!! Them and Ice Road Truckers . I don't mind Monster Quest , but feel it would be better suited for the SyFy Channel .


New Member
There has been a Lot of "factual" documentaries on most recently concerning Free Masons, founding Fathers and secret societies, all inter-mixed. Last night, 9/24, was a full night on Discovery channel. I watched, curiosity, lack of other programing... Now expect to defend my choice to be a Mason. While I have not advertised my being a Mason, word doesn't take long to go through the family and so far 2 members have all but dropped me from the family tree, and never fails to take these programs and their not so true speculations and use them as fodder. Fortunatly I have a cousin that is MOL, so I do have someone close to go for back-up when the anti-mason sentiment really gets going. Family--- gotta love 'em! :D


32° Scottish Rite
I apologize for not replying after my original post. I work in downtown Pittsburgh, and my employer gave the downtown employees the rest of the week off so we would not have to deal with media and protestors from the G-20 Summit.

And before I further reply, I would like to acknowledge and correct my mistake of calling Paul Bunyan a Mason, I meant Paul Revere. I have no idea where I got Bunyan from. Anyway, my mistake.

Yeah, I have been noticing a huge spike in the amount of Freemason programs airing on both History and Discovery. Some are very positive, and some are very negative. As KenB mentioned, my family also just happens to catch all of the negative programming. I just have to remind them that they are watching television, and the main purpose of television is to entertain, not to inform.

I also do not understand the logic behind having Ice Road Truckers and UFO Hunters on History. I have been enjoying the History International lately.


Masonic Mafia
Everytime a movie or a book that has anything in it concerning Freemasonry or secret societies , the History Channel and Discovery Channel run there Freemasonry/Knight Templars shows . And now there will a spike in petitions flooding in . After the movie "National Treasure" we had a flood of petitions coming in . After Dan Brown's new book is turned into a movie , we will have another flood of petitions .


New Member
Our Lodge had a Great year this year for petitioners, a total of 12, mine included. We/I have asked the new ones what began their interest, yet none has mentioned the movies or books. Some were interested in the One Day Master Mason program, half our petitioners, and the other half had as varied reasons. I declined petitioning for 2 years as we had my mother in law with us battling lung cancer and with her treatments and everything there just wasn't time for anything else. I can't wait to see what the new book does for new interests. I will ask future ones if the books and movies had any impact or not. 12 may not be a great number for most lodges, but one or two a year is about our average.