Hobby sheet metal working

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Back when Dad and I were active in Scouts, there was a series in "Boys Life" magazine entitled the LitePac Series. It told how to make your own gear for what would today be called Back Packing, i.e., carrying light enough equipment to carry everything on your back. This was around 50 years ago when much of the camping was by station wagon.
One of the projects was a folding reflector oven. A reflector oven is one that focuses the IR from a campfire to all sides of what you're cooking, whether biscuits, a pan of cake, or even a small fowl.
The article told how to dismantle a large metal can, cut the thin metal into shapes, turn some edges back on themselves, some to 90 degree angles, and some over a thick wire [we used welding rod] for a support that folded.

When I was in my 20s, I got a copy of the series from the local BSA office and made another folding reflector oven.

I've been looking for a hobby recently, and considering the satisfaction I got from the reflector oven project, started wondering what other sheet metal work, or tinsmithing projects I could find to make.

They say you can find anything on the Internet.
I couldn't!
I did make my own charcoal chimney starter 3-4 years ago, but I am looking for some things to make that may use tin can metal as the source, but don't use the shape of a tin can.

Anyone seen anything I could use as a design or an idea to start?


FF Sparky

I have a project....You can form metal to fix the rust holes on one of my cars....lol

Always good to have a hobby, right now mine is Lodge, I need something else besides videogames

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
I have a project....You can form metal to fix the rust holes on one of my cars....lol

Always good to have a hobby, right now mine is Lodge, I need something else besides videogames
...not exactly what I had in mind.

Light-weight chain mail I can wear to ward of zombies bites.
Chain Mail is very labor intensive, hours and hours of wrist exercises.

How to Make Chainmail - wikiHow
WAY heavier stuff than I was wanting to work!

Christmas tree ornaments.
Not enough time for it to be useful...

Keep trying, guys!


FF Sparky

Go to a campground where they have seasonal campers, and check out the mobiles they make out of beer/soda cans, even 2 liter bottles of soda. pretty inventive and creative


Troll Stomper
Staff member
Go to a campground where they have seasonal campers, and check out the mobiles they make out of beer/soda cans, even 2 liter bottles of soda. pretty inventive and creative

My dad makes tin man mobiles like the Wizard of Oz. I didn't mention this earlier, because it was said that he wanted to shape the cans, not use them in their original form.


Builder Builder
I make lawn orniments out of rods and tin cans using a variety of tools and a nifty spot welder. Here's a list that I've done so far:
1) 3D Butterflies of various sizes (on a long rod that sticks in the ground)
2) 3D Sun flowers with pedels - various sizes (same rod sytem)
3) 3D Dragon Flies (same rod system)
4) 3D Working whirl and point in the wind windmills (2 ft and 4 ft models)
5) 3D Kittens
6) 3D Turtles
7) Butterfly/flower hanging mobiles that whirl in the wind​
Some I paint, some simply rust. All are loved by those who receive them as gifts.


Staff member
Anyone seen anything I could use as a design or an idea to start?
Never done sheet metal. I did try doing black smith work when I was much younger. Nothing serious, just watching and every once and a while I was able to bang on it. Every year or so, I look into doing it as a hobby. Maybe one year. Would be nice to make my own tools though.


Masonic Traveler
When I looked at that system several years ago, it required a computer in addition to the plasma cutter, and at that time I didn't have a spare one of either setting around.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
That system is like 20,000 dollars and doesn't include the plasma cutter. I wanted one. Maybe Santa will be nice, I was a good boy this year....lol
That is not the point, the point was that they have interesting pictures of things done in metal which could be done, at some degree, with far less equipment.

FF Sparky

I am somewhat of an articer of metals, but only on automotive stuff. Never designed and built anyhting. Although I am contemplating a stand for my 125 gallon fish tank.


Being into sailing I ve aways wanted to make a sailboat weather vane out sheet copper and brass. While in London I noted many sailboat wether vanes. Started taking pictures of them for reference.

One day I'll actually make one!
