How old is your Lodge?


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Ozaukee Lodge #17

Formed as Prometheus #17 in November 1847, name changed to Ozaukee when the county it is in was formed in 1853.
(2010-1847=163 years).


I could tell you ...
My Lodge is now combined, but consists of two Lodges: Racine Lodge #18 (formed in the 1840's) and Belle City Lodge #92 (formed in the 1850's). We are now Racine-Belle City Lodge #18. When Belle City got its charter, there were MORE than 2,000 Masons in the city of Racine. Jeeze, what I'd give to have that problem today!


Sir Knight & 32 GL of VA
My Brother,

Does this question refer to the building or the age of those that attend? Our Lodge in Richmond VA was build in 1785, financed by a lottery and was the first Masons Hall built in the United States....sitting in the heart of the Confederacy (according to a 1863 news paper article they have posted on the wall.)

One other interesting point is that this was the first Masons Hall to house a permanent Royal Arch Lodge Room.

If you look for the Mason's Hall Richmond, VA you will be able to see photos on some of the newspaper articles.

It is the Home to Richmond-Randolf Lodge who boasts about having George Washington Lafayette (Son of General Lafayette) and a number of French Modern Masons (no longer allowed) as a member and as guests they have hosted the King of England, Prince of Wales, Gen George Washington and Gen & Marguis de Lafayette.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Formed as Prometheus #17 in November 1847, name changed to Ozaukee when the county it is in was formed in 1853.
(2010-1847=163 years).
Masonic Temple. 504 W. Grand Ave. This fine two-story Neo-Classical Revival Style building was constructed for Port Washington's Masonic Lodge in 1923 to a design by a Milwaukee architect, John Topzant. One of the finest and the most intact of the non-residential buildings constructed in Port Washington in the first half of the twentieth century, the Temple was built on a large corner lot at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Moore Street and features most of the design elements typically associated with this style including a symmetrical main facade, masonry walls (red brick in this case), two-story portico, and classical detailing. The Temple is still the home of Port Washington's Masonic Lodge and it is believed to be eligible for listing in the NRHP under Criterion C, (Architecture) by virtue of its integrity and because of the excellence of its design.

Google Maps


Hiram #7 in Franklin TN is the lodge that I will be receiving my EA degree at later in the month and it has quite a bit of history to it.

Hiram #7 received its charter on May 27, 1814. It was constructed in 1823 and was the VERY FIRST three story building in the state of Tennessee. It was also built with funds from the VERY FIRST legal lottery in the State.

On August 17, 1830 President Andrew Jackson met with a delegation from the Chickasaw Nation at the Lodge. From this meeting the treaty was drafted to remove the Chickasaw's from their home lands and to send them West.

Later, during the Civil War both the Union and Confederate troops used the building as a lookout during the Battle of Franklin (seeing as it was the tallest around). Following the battle it was used as a hospital for Federal troops.

In 1912, 45 years after the Battle of Franklin because of the significant damage the lodge received during the battle, the lodge was given reparations by the United States Government.

Pretty interesting huh?


MM, RAM, 32nd.
i have no lodge :(
Why is this so, Brother?

My Lodge is a combined Lodge. Toledo #144 was chartered on October 20, 1847, and Fort Industry #630 was chartered in the 1950s. They merged in 1996 when Toledo had money but a dilapidated building, and Fort Industry had no money but a brand new hall.

We boast 4 Grand Masters of Ohio, though the last was 1911.


New Member
My Lodge is Phoenix Lodge 75 in Phoenixville,Pa. It was chartered on March 12, 1798. Our DDGM however said that when they were going over history of our lodge and other local lodges that one of the older lodges that met in Valley Forge(pretty much same town) during the Rev War closed down and we opened the same month.

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Wayne Lodge #112 was chartered in 1847, so is 163 years old, having survived the Anti-Masonic fervor, fires, The War of Northern Aggression, splitting off of another lodge, the grinding struggle of PHA recognition,...and my year in the East!
See our history (written by a very talented Brother) at
A History of Wayne Lodge


New Member
My lodge, York 563 in Columbus, Ohio, first met under dispensation in 1891, and chartered in the same year. Plans had been in place for a lodge on the north side of Columbus since 1880.

Interestingly enough, while we once had our own temple, we are now renting space in the Grand Lodge of Ohio which is also the temple of New England Lodge #4, of Worthington, OH (a town practically but not legally swallowed by Columbus). This lodge was the first lodge in Central Ohio, chartered in 1800. The founder of that lodge was Fr. James Kilbourne, a frontiersman who also founded the town of Worthington and the Episcopal parish in Worthington, St. John's Church.


Active Member
I may be wrong, but I do believe your Lodge was split from my Lodge. :D I know there was a split, but cannot remember if it was Spring Hill or another one. I do know it was north of us though. Still need to make a visit up there.
Bro Jason, it might well be Brotherhood Lodge in Springhill/Brooksville.
I know it wasn't Springs 378. I remember when they first formed and were UD. A lot of guys I worked with were instrumental in forming the Lodge I did one of the first lectures when they were meeting in a store front on US 19.
GaryE says Springs is 32 yrs old...seems like only yesterday.LOL