Huge Hole Found in the Universe


Staff member
The universe has a huge hole in it that dwarfs anything else of its kind. The discovery caught astronomers by surprise.

The hole is nearly a billion light-years across. It is not a black hole, which is a small sphere of densely packed matter. Rather, this one is mostly devoid of stars, gas and other normal matter, and it's also strangely empty of the mysterious "dark matter" that permeates the cosmos. Other space voids have been found before, but nothing on this scale.

Astronomers don't know why the hole is there. -- Huge Hole Found in the Universe


Masonic Mafia
I had a joke for this thread concerning the title of this thread and my ex-wife , but I'll just leave it up to your imagination .


New Member
This is crazy! Fascinating really. The universe is sooooo huge, the fact that they can find these things is amazing, and then to figure out what something like this is made of (or not made of in this case) is mind-boggling!


New Member

It makes me curious but I can't really even start to wrap my mind around something so huge and so strange. I suppose I will just accept it is there and see what happens.


New Member
It was said in the article that they couldn't explain this based on the evolution of the universe. This just proves that there is someone much much higher than us created all this things. I can only speculate that it could be a doorway to heaven.


New Member
Well it helps put everything into perspective. There is one out there who is much more powerful and greater than we can ever fathom. My problems are truly small after all.