Moving along


New Member
My last post was concern over my possible membership and my immediate family, a few months ago. Well, after much pondering and reflecting, I've decided that I'll keep my future membership my own business, but if the folks find out, that's fine. I'll carry myself with pride, once I am a Mason. I've kept the ball rolling, and have sought many Lodges since many of them have websites in my big city. I found two or three or four, that I may have liked, and vice versa. I shall soon meet one of the Lodges at a social evening. I think that is great. This way, they see if they want me or not, and I see if the Brethren there are the ones I want to petition. This particular Lodge requires three such evenings. I have a feeling that I'll petition by the end of the year, or early 2011; I know I move real slow.
Thanks earlier to Jason, GaryE, Antonskv, and Ashlar521 for your support a few months ago.
I'll keep ya'll posted.


Please do keep us posted. Sounds like you are taking the right steps to make sure you find the right fit for your experience in Freemasonry.

Don't worry about if "they" will want you or not. The fact that you are willing to "move slow" is testament that you are not willing to just settle for anyone who will take you.

When and if you decide to take the step to petition, just keep in mind that the wheels of Freemasonry also move slow. The process to get you initiated will take some time as well. Generally a month or so.

Best wishes, and don't be a stranger!


New Member
Thanks GaryE. Yeah, I noticed that the wheels of Masonry turn slow, especially during the summer months, or when Lodges are Dark so to speak. I'm figuring these things out slowly but surely; and all of this makes me more, and more, convinced that I need to become a Mason. Patience on both sides.
I've waited for so many years, with all of my apprehensions with family.
I can't wait for the social evening.


Master Mason
You may or may not be aware of this, The Grand Lodge of NY is located at 71 West 23rd Street and has many Lodges that meet in that location. If I have given you some useful information, I am glad. If this is information you already have, my apologies for being repetitious. Best of luck with your journey.