Shriners Hospitals Joins "Together for Kids"


Staff member
Tampa, Fla.— Leaders of Shriners Hospitals for Children today announced the organization's involvement with Together for Kids, a new non-profit foundation which will raise funds nationally to help Shriners Hospitals for Children and other member hospitals cope with the dramatic increases in the health needs of children. Shriners Hospitals for Children’s announcement is in conjunction with a press conference held today at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., for the launch of Together for Kids.
“Children all across America are facing increasing challenges to their health and well-being— challenges that include the growing numbers of uninsured kids and the staggering toll of accidental injuries,” said James Full, executive vice president and COO of Shriners Hospitals for Children. "Shriners Hospitals is happy to be part of this exciting new initiative and its mission to rally more resources to improve children’s health in the U.S.”

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