*sigh* corn


Active Member
Ashlar, what kind of rose?

I have 3 Floribunda's -biggest pest are grasshoppers and white flies.

Have several "Knockouts" and am troubled mostly by thripps. Nothing seems to stop them for very long. I cut them back twice a year. They are pretty hardy and self-correct most problems except the damnned thripps. I've been told by "experts" that I don't prune heavily enough.

Have 5 "Drift roses". pretty easy to maintain but blooms are small and sparse. Just planted them this year, maybe with a year in the ground they will do better.

All-in-all they are all worth the trouble when they are in full bloom and the neighbors comment on them.


Bro Gary..... I know how to control the squirrels..... show them a fire engine with the lights on.... that where all the squirrels hang out at in my FD.....:D:p:eek:

Oh, you mean the guys who can't cut it on the engine, so they become truckies? Yeah, they drool all over our equipment/apparatus. It's kinda annoying. :eek::cool:

Now, Back to our gardening discussion...


Staff member
Now, Back to our gardening discussion...
I fell in love with a new hoe today. She was a beauty. Even being sick and only able to see out of one eye this thing was a piece of cake. An no large clumps of dirt from that my other hoe's would leave. Just don't tell the wife, I'm supposed to be resting in bed.



Those are great to work with. I don't have one, but a friend does. IF I get the courage to battle the wild, I may plant a garden and get one of these. It's nice because you can easily control the depth of soil you till.
I fell in love with a new hoe today. She was a beauty. Even being sick and only able to see out of one eye this thing was a piece of cake. An no large clumps of dirt from that my other hoe's would leave. Just don't tell the wife, I'm supposed to be resting in bed.

Naaaa...... I will be nice......:cool:


Masonic Mafia
Ashlar, what kind of rose?

I have 3 Floribunda's -biggest pest are grasshoppers and white flies.

Have several "Knockouts" and am troubled mostly by thripps. Nothing seems to stop them for very long. I cut them back twice a year. They are pretty hardy and self-correct most problems except the damnned thripps. I've been told by "experts" that I don't prune heavily enough.

Have 5 "Drift roses". pretty easy to maintain but blooms are small and sparse. Just planted them this year, maybe with a year in the ground they will do better.

All-in-all they are all worth the trouble when they are in full bloom and the neighbors comment on them.

They are a mixture , and I can not remember all their names off the top of my head . But I have battled thripps more than once , I found the best cure for them was to remove every rose/bud , place in a plastic bag , seal it up tight and toss it away . New buds will show up once again , thripp free .


That's a great tip Ashlar. Too bad you have to strip the plant of it's beauty in order to rid yourself of the pests. I guess the upside is that they grow new flowers!
Other than grubs tearing up my yard, I let nature take care of it self when it comes to the battle between bugs and plants.... so far, I have had no problems...we did have some kinda disease that hit the tomatoes but I let the roses fight the good fight....so far its the Roses 1 bugs 0....


ViMH Advisory Board
That's a great tip Ashlar. Too bad you have to strip the plant of it's beauty in order to rid yourself of the pests. I guess the upside is that they grow new flowers!
Ah but he had the WISDOM to divest the superfluous {sp?} beauty and with the STRENGTH to do it got a pure BEAUTY!


Masonic Mafia
Ah but he had the WISDOM to divest the superfluous {sp?} beauty and with the STRENGTH to do it got a pure BEAUTY!
I hated to remove all the roses and buds , but the thripps were making my roses ugly . So , you are correct , when they budded out eventually the Beauty was back .


I've been here before
So....do you "borrow" from those fields ???:D:p
Find a Jewish field! You're welcome to anything in the corners. ;)

Leviticus 19:9-11:

"When you [plural] reap the harvest of your land, you [singular] shall not reap all the way to the corner of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger; I the Lord am your G-d."


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Find a Jewish field! You're welcome to anything in the corners. ;)

Leviticus 19:9-11:

"When you [plural] reap the harvest of your land, you [singular] shall not reap all the way to the corner of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger; I the Lord am your G-d."
Beat me to it! ande face it, some us are as strange as it gets!


New Member
A friend of mine puts rubber snakes(realistic looking) scattered in his garden and a lifelike owl in the middle on a perch.......sounds silly but he dont get in varments or birds in it.


Masonic Mafia
A friend of mine puts rubber snakes(realistic looking) scattered in his garden and a lifelike owl in the middle on a perch.......sounds silly but he dont get in varments or birds in it.
They work well , but unless you move them regularly the birds get used to them and will be back to have a go at the goodies .


Masonic Mafia
LOl , a thought popped into my head after I posted and re-read it also . Nothing like having our minds in the gutter .


Staff member
Between the squirrels and the bugs, I have all but given up on a garden. The ants here are obviously immune to any sprays, granules or other tricks.
I was talking to someone and they said they get the realistic fake owls and snakes and place them in their garden for squirrel control.

Also got another box of seeds this past week. Spent the weekend splitting wood, but hopefully next week I plant some fall garden stuff.


I may have to look into some Owls/snakes then. I'd imagine you have to move them from time to time so the squirrels don't get wise to them being fake.