The Banners of Royal Arch Masonry


Traveling Templar
Here is the latest article on my blog:

While I was writing the article "Symbols of Royal Arch Masonry - Part 2", I started to wonder about the sigils (the symbol or seal) which adorned each of the four banners used in Royal Arch Masonry. I wondered as to why we used the Tribes we did on our Banners, but the answer to that was easy enough to find. I wasn't done though, I wondered as to what the significance of these four symbols was and what, if any, connection they had with ancient cultures and mythologies.

First off, I must note a considerable difference between American Royal Arch Masonry and English Royal Arch Masonry. In the American system we use just four banners while the English use twelve banners to represent the 12 Tribes of Israel. Why only use four banners instead of all twelve? A likely answer comes to us from the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, wherein it states:

But our American Royal Arch Masons, as we have seen, use only four banners, being those attributed by the Talmudists to the four principal Tribes Judah, Ephraim, Reuben, and Dan. The devices on these banners are respectively a lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle.


I've been here before
Any discussion about RAM using banners from Judaism but barring Jews from the Commandary? Just curious.


I've been here before
Nothing? Nobody has a comment? LoL I'm not trying to be just adversarial here. But I think it is something I would like to discuss. The KT have symbolism that is central to Judaism, yet we are denied membership. I would like to discuss it.


Traveling Templar
Any discussion about RAM using banners from Judaism but barring Jews from the Commandary? Just curious.
The Royal Arch degree surrounds the building of the Second Temple and so the 12 Tribes is relevant, but going into the Chivalric Orders we leave the traditional story of Freemasonry (the building of King Solomon's Temple) and enter into legends and history of Christian knighthoods. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, a candidate comes in as a Royal Arch Mason and this first Chivalric Order is a transitional order from the traditional Judeo-Christian story of Freemasonry to the Christian body. In the Order of Malta and Order of the Temple you take vows aligning your faith to Christianity and the defense thereof. While I have a great love of all my Brothers regardless of their faith, I would not want to put them into a position of conflicting their faith when taking these vows.

Here is my kick off to this discussion.


Masonic Mafia
Nothing? Nobody has a comment? LoL I'm not trying to be just adversarial here. But I think it is something I would like to discuss. The KT have symbolism that is central to Judaism, yet we are denied membership. I would like to discuss it.

The Commandery has absolutely nothing to do with the Chapter degrees so there is nothing to comment on when it comes to the Capitular degrees . There are three distinct but separate bodies in the YR with three different Grand Bodies controlling them , with the Commandery having nothing to do with with the previous degrees in Freemasonry really , in the YR and one does not have to petition all three to be a YR Mason .

We have Jewish brethren in our Chapter and Council , but did not petition to receive the Orders of the Commandery . They are still YR Masons who may attend all of our stated meetings . When a vote comes to the floor pertaining to the Commandery , they and even Christian brethren who did not want to dish out the extra dues remain mum .


I've been here before
I realize this distinction. My concern is with any Masonic body that restricts membership based on religion. Bodies that do not, Chapter, Council, etc, are not the issue. If you look at my language, I specifically state KT or Commandery.