What do ya think......



I think he likes being a Mason! :eek:

I believe he is correct. We need to teach these values to young people. We can all get benefit from the Craft, regardless if we are natural orators or not.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
I think he likes being a Mason! :eek:

I believe he is correct. We need to teach these values to young people. We can all get benefit from the Craft, regardless if we are natural orators or not.
I agree and I too feel like the Craft is something that I was born to be part of. I have been preparing my whole life to be a Mason, I just didn't know it until this past October when I became an EA.:eek:
I think ALOT of us in the 30 y/o and up range had a strong influence from men that were masons and we didnt even know it.... not to leave out the ladies, I know plenty from my life that pretty much had the same beliefs as what masonry teaches....if they would have had a different chromosome they would have made great Masons