What would you do


Staff member
So you are out hunting and hear a gun shot. A few minutes later a wounded deer runs into your view. You drop him with a single shot. A short while after that another hunter sees you and the deer and claims he was the one who shot him first. Who gets the deer?

FF Sparky

1. Depends on how big it is
2. Depends on how big he is
3. I would leave it for him and wait for the bigger buck that was following before the first shot
4. Of course if it is the last day of the season and you still didn't get your own deer? I would claim it. Just tag it quick


Active Member
I was always told that the original shooter gets the head, the hide and half the meat.
Same if you shoot a deer that someone's dogs are running.


Traveling Templar
1. Depends on how big it is
2. Depends on how big he is
:1-pray: Very nice...and somewhat true.

Depends on how cute she is too. I've had this happen and this little kid came running out so I helped him take his deer to the road.

Mark Farrin

New Member
The original shooter gets the head, and the hide, both shooters get half of the meat. The original shooter gets to use his tag, the secondary shooter gets to keep his.