Young men


Masonic Mafia
We have 7 petitions out on investigating committees . Out of these 7 all but one are 18 and 19 year olds . All very fine young men , one of whom we just awarded our annual $1,000 college scholarship .

The one petitioner who is NOT a young man is the father of one of the young men ( a father and son going through together) .


That's pretty cool. I wish we had more younger petitioners in my Lodge. I'm thinking our youngest member may be in his late 20's to early 30's. He doesn't attend very often.
We initiated a young man in February about 3 days after his 18th birthday. His grandfather and uncle and many cousins belong to our lodge, and his mother has been very active with OES and Jobs daughters. As he'll be going to college locally, he is now our Junior Steward. If he goes through all the chairs, he could be Master at 24. I wonder if that's a good idea, or not.