An Observation


Masonic Mafia
In the past few years I have read on Masonic blogs and forums how Grand Lodge's and Grand Master's are abusing their powers , expelling men for no reason , "kangaroo courts" etc; etc; as if this some sort of new phenomenon . I have talked to the old brethren who were around many years ago , I have read old Grand Lodge proceedings , old minutes and so on and so forth and this kind of stuff has been going on for many , many decades . I would bet if you go back in time to the formation of the first Grand Lodge , you will find a few members complaining that the Grand Master is abusing his power . I personally know a man suspend from his lodge in the 70's on trumped up charges (back when lodges in my jurisdiction still had the power to bring charges and hold a trial on it's own members ) because of warring factions in the lodge .

The only difference is now , unlike in the past and right up into the 90's , is that this information is now readily available to everyone with a a smart phone , a phone line/cable and a computer . Everything was kept in house in the past . We now have the internet and now every do-gooder with a keyboard has their soapbox to stand on and spew their hate and discontent at other jurisdictions . Masons now post all their own and outside jurisdiction's dirty laundry for the world to see .

My point being is that our Fraternity has survived in the past and it will continue to survive . Grand Masters come and go , they will pass edicts that most everyone will disagree with , that will be unpopular , that makes no sense . All we have to do is wait them out and vote in better men into our Grand Chair Lines or heck run for the Grand Line ourselves .

We are lucky in my jurisdiction , we have a GREAT Grand chair line . All the men now working their way around to the Grand East are all good men and Masons . I know them personally and they have nothing but the best interests in mind for our Fraternity .

So let me pose a few questions .... Should we be airing out our dirty laundry on the internet ? Should we be keeping most things in house ? How do you feel about someone on the other side of the country or the world passing judgment on your jurisdiction and it's members ? Should Masons from one jurisdictions be writing open letters to the Grand Masters of outside jurisdictions ?


Staff member
Should we be airing out our dirty laundry on the internet ?
Honestly cannot say if it helps or hurts at the moment. Sometimes an outside perspective is good though.

How do you feel about someone on the other side of the country or the world passing judgment on your jurisdiction and it's members ?
About the same as if it was someone from inside my jurisdiction.

Should Masons from one jurisdictions be writing open letters to the Grand Masters of outside jurisdictions ?
I think if a letter came from another GM it would have more power then if it came from a member.