Building Boaz book discussion



Since we have more or less decided to table the discussion of "The Builders", I propose that we start on the next book on the recent poll; Building Boaz by Dr. John Nagy.

In order to give those who don't have the book time to obtain it, we could start next week sometime. How does that sound?


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
I'm in, I can now return my hardcopy of the Builders to the library, I am sure they think me odd for renewing it so many times!

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Building Boaz

Since we have more or less decided to table the discussion of "The Builders", I propose that we start on the next book on the recent poll; Building Boaz by Dr. John Nagy.

In order to give those who don't have the book time to obtain it, we could start next week sometime. How does that sound?
I should have my copy by Tuesday's mail!



Staff member
You all read that book already? Wow. I wish I could, but I think I'm about full on my schedule until April. On a side note, Gary should be getting a book in the mail next month that I promised him a while back.


We'll get started on the book discussion soon. Just waiting to make sure those that wanted the books got it.


So who will lead the discussion? Bro. Winter, are you still interested in leading? I know your schedule has been busy lately...
I will have to just read the comments as I have not had the privilege of reading the fine work by the Dr....YET....I keep getting stumbling stones placed in my way.....
My Brother..... my stumbling stones have not been anything on your end....and I do deeply apologize if that was the impression that was received by you.....

I do look forward with great patience for the chance to read your books....


My Brother..... my stumbling stones have not been anything on your end....and I do deeply apologize if that was the impression that was received by you.....

I do look forward with great patience for the chance to read your books....
<Insert Yoda voice> Confusing this one is. Wait for the answer you shall.


Builder Builder
Brother Patrick,

You're most welcome, but please know that this was a group effort of which I have had a small part.

Your thanks would be better directed toward them.

In the meantime, please know too that your test begins at 11! :D

So read quickly! ;)


Bro. Coach N