Fraternal Greetings


New Member
As Suggested by Bob Franks this is just a quick post to say hi and offer my fraternal salutations and greetings.

I am a MM in the Lodge of Happiness no. 7952 which meets in the centre of Birmingham, in the UK.

I am a surveyor by profession who joined Freemasonry in 2009. Typically I was scouted by a friend I admired, trusted and wanted to emulate. Sadly he is no longer with us. A great light snuffed out and a great loss to everybody who knew him. Sadly form me the the rock in my personal life, my greatest friend and my mentor in Freemasonry, was gone.

Unbeknown to me, he had asked my wife at a BBQ if she thought I would be interested in becoming a Freemason. She was cock-a-hoop! Her dad was a Freemason of long standing, so she knew the benefits it could bring to me as a person. She was adamant that it would be a great thing for me to undertake, knowing the benefits I could reap as an individual, knowing that becoming a Freemason would help a good man become better.

I honestly don’t think I have seen her so excited, apart from when we went to buy her engagement ring! This was further reinforced by her parent’s advice. So four of the most important people in the world to me had told me it was a good thing to do. Sadly my wife died unexpectedly 1 month before our first wedding anniversary and a mere 1 month after that BBQ. To honour her I joined the Freemasons.

I opted to join, not really knowing what was involved or what I was letting myself in for, just trusting the judgement of those around me who cared about me the most. This has been a decision I have not regretted, I have only found the Freemasons to be a very warm, supportive and friendly organisation.


Staff member
Greetings and salutations. A nice story you have there. Sorry about your lose however.