Greetings from the Netherlands


New Member
Hello Group,

I am Robert and I live in the Netherlands. I have just begun my first steps in joining the lodge in my hometown, Gouda.

My first contact, at least that I know of, with a freemason was a friend of fy foster parents. His wife told me that he was a freemason and I should talk to him because she thought that it would be right for me. This was 15 or so years ago and I had some eye-opening talks with him about the brotherhood. I decided not to apply then, since I felt I had some maturing to do first.

I was raised by atheist foster parents and so, I am not a Christian. I must however say that my foster parents would have made better Christians than many I have since come to know. As a young child, I have realized that there is a God, in whatever form and have 'felt' His presence in my life. I have always said that I am an Agnost in the sense that I do not know God nor can I prove or disprove His existance, but I am a Gnost in the sense that I have seen His work in my my life and I am positive He/She/It exists. It is my whish to know how He is present in the life of others and to investigate the extend in which we can know Him or of Him and how this can be reflected in our lifes. (I hope this all still makes sense). This is the reason I have petitioned the Lodge here in my home town. I will post any progress.


Watcher of the posts
Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the fraternity. Enjoy the journey and enjoy the forum.


New Member
I have not posted in quite some time, but I do have some news.

Tomorrow evening, I will be admitted to the lodge here in Gouda


New Member
I am fine. Just got back from Germany (I work for a German company in the Netherlands and so, I get to visit Berlin on occasion :D )....
Hello there,

My husband and I tracked down a Masonic Temple at Ermanstr. 19, (the caretaker was not the least bit helpful) whilst in Berlin, Germany.

This link may interest you... further down the line, should you return.
Vereinigte Großlogen von Deutschland - Willkommen

Good luck in all you do.


New Member
Lieber Pembridge,

Danke schön für den Link zur Deutsche Freimauerei. Wann ich wieder in die nähe Berlins bin, oder vielleicht ein anderes Ort wo es ein Loge gibt, werde ich gern mal visitieren.

On the other hand, maybe you do not understand this.....I just said thanks and when I am in the neighbourhood of Berlin or somewhere else in Germany, I would like to visit.