

The Alchemist


I stumbled across this site while browsing for Freemason Forums. I took a brief look around, and the site seems to be fairly active...which I like.

As for me being a Mason...not yet. I'm set for initiation later this month. The lodge is First Timothy in Atlanta, GA. They haven't given them a number yet, because the lodge is being relocated. I have a meeting with the WM today, so maybe he has an update.

Over the years, I've done a lot of reading on various subjects. Charles F. Haanel (32°) is my favorite author. Some of you may be familiar with some of his works. I've studied the subject of Spirituality, thought-creation, illumination, etc. Not for the purpose of prying into Freemasonry, but because these subjects really grab my interest. I guess you could say that my study of these subjects lead me into wanting to become a Mason, because I see Masonry as a journey to help men find truth. And when a man finds truth, he becomes a better person if he acts in compliance to truth.

But anyways...that's the rundown on me. I look forward to contributing as time passes.


Active Member
Welcome to FMH. I am surprised a lodge does not have a number just because it moved. When my lodged moved many years ago it kept its number. Keep us informed of your progress.


Active Member
Are you under Jeff Long Grand Lodge & Electa Grand Chapter? That is the only reference to a first timothy lodge in Atlanta. Before you join, you need to know that GL is not considered regular and is a clandestine GL. By that I mean you will not be accepted as a masons outside of that GL and will not be allowed to visit other lodges outside of your GL. Being able to visit is one of the best aspects of freemasonry. I would advise you to look at either the GL of GA or the PHA GL in GA.


Active Member
I think I ran him off after I said his GL was clandestine. However, he should know that before going through and joining that lodge. His last activity was that night. I am sorry if I ran him off.

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
I think I ran him off after I said his GL was clandestine. However, he should know that before going through and joining that lodge. His last activity was that night. I am sorry if I ran him off.
He may be busy checking out what you told him...or running down the 'facts' the WM told him to counter what you told him. I certainly hope he finds his light.
