Hello from Chewelah, WA

Hello, I like to say that I'm pleased to find this site & to join. If any one can help me to learn more about Freemasons, would very to recieve any information that you can give. Thank you.


Staff member
Greetings and salutations. Welcome to the site, feel free to jump in and ask anything that comes to mind.
Thank you for the Welcome to the Freemason web site. I have been interested in the freemasons ever since I a show on the History Channel last year I have been trying to catch any shows that come on about the Freemasons & their history. How far back do the Freemasons go in history? The History Channel was not very clear on that point. Any in formation that you can give will very welcome. Thank you again for the welcome to the site.


Masonic Mafia
They were not very clear because it's hard to say when the Fraternity truely started , no one really knows when and how it all began . There is quite a bit of conjecture as to exact dates . The "Regius Manuscript" , which is known as the oldest Masonic text, dates back to 1390 . There is evidence that there have been lodges in Scotland since the late sixteenth century ( the Lodge of Kilwinning has records that date back to the 1500's) . The first Grand Lodge was the Grand Lodge of England which was founded in 1717 .