Introduction to Freemasonry III Master Mason by Claudy


OK, whens the last time you sat down ad READ through this little gem? All the way through it?

Our Lodge doesn't issue them, but I bought a 1960 printing of the 1931 text at a used bookstore. I was sitting in the hospital with the grandbaby sick again yesterday and read through it front to back. Now I want to get the FC and EA ones.:)


I've been here before
I have all three. They're great. They're small books that fit into your breast pocket. It's sad that every Lodge doesn't provide the new EA, FC, or MM with something like these anymore. Basically, if you can post after your degree, many Lodges are satisfied with a new Brother's education.

For Brothers that don't know what we are talking about, here you go:

And here is where you can purchase all three for $12:


Masonic Mafia
I have them and lend them out to our new Candidates . My GL also has a 5 book series (Beginner Guides) of small books that I loan out to Candidates . They start out with book one which is for those interested in Freemasonry , one for each degree and one for the Wife of a new Freemason .