Lazy Days


New Member
Now that the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are getting cooler, I'm getting lazy. I come home from work and it's all I can do to stay awake until dinner is cooked. I'm like an old black bear getting ready for my winter's hibernation. Does this time of year affect anyone else like it does me?


Masonic Mafia
It is the opposite for me . The cooler/cold air makes me feel more alive and I am outside moving around more . The heat of Summer drains me , makes me sleepy .


Staff member
The cooler weather means more outdoor work for me, and more outdoor play. But once it gets colder, I like to sleep in once in a while under the warm covers.


New Member
I am defiantly in hibernation mode when it comes to cold weather. I don't like being out in it and nothing better than a hot chocolate, fire, and the wife next to me!


New Member
Ain't that the truth johnny! I just don't do cold weather very well. I am young to have arthritis but I have it and it really makes a difference when it gets colder. I love to have a big fire in the fireplace when it gets colder though.


Masonic Mafia
I worked out on the river for years walking on hot steel barges with the Summer sun heating up the coal in the barges that radiated out . It was like walking through ovens as we walked down the tow between the heaped up coal in the barge hoppers . There is no way one can get cooler in the summer when outside working jobs that require steel toe boots , long pants , long sleeved shirts and caps or hard hats , unless one wants to run around naked , and no one wants to see that .

But in the Winter , an extra pair of socks in my Gortex boots with my ice spikes on , my Arctic Carhart's , my Gortex glove liners , watch cap and hood and I was warm as toast . And as an engineer later in my tow-boating career , the engine room on those steel ovens would be like Hell on earth in the Summer , but like Heaven in the winter .You can always dress for warmth in the winter so I have always welcomed Fall and Winter .