Meeting notices


Staff member
Does your Lodge have meeting notices in the local news paper? Are you in the local Yellow Pages?


Masonic Mafia
No , we are word of mouth . We always have brothers traveling to other lodges and invite all to our stated/called meetings .


Staff member
We do not advertise in the local papers either. I sorta wish we would do the monthly brunches, to get more people in, maybe make a little extra money off of it.


Masonic Mafia
Now we do advertise for things open to the public , dinners , golf outings or what have you . I just thought you meant Tyled meetings .

Side note : A lodge I regularly visit has this very old lantern that has been with the lodge since it was first U/D . This lantern has a Square & Compasses on either side of it . They hung this lantern above the door with a candle lit in it to let everyone know that they were having/going to have a stated/called meeting .


Staff member
That is cool. I never heard of anyone doing something like that.

I was referring to mostly tyled meetings, but figured I would toss the other in there.


Masonic Mafia
It is neat . I have been on the hunt for an old metal lantern so I can make my own . They used a punch to make it back then , but I am going to use a drill after I lay out a S & C pattern on it . Hopefully it will work out when I find the lantern .


Masonic Traveler
We don't advertise in the local paper for regular communications, but we do for special events.
From one of the other lodges that consolidated with my present lodge we have a hand-carved wooden light and wooden chain with the letter G on glass on all 4 sides. It hung in the East over the Master's chair. We could use it for the same purpose except hang it in a window to keep it from being destroyed by the weather.