My 4 year old


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Sometimes he comes up with the strangest things or questions. He makes us laugh every day. What do your kids do to make you laugh?


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My son will get up and shake his butt when music is on either the TV or radio and he will say 'move it, move it, move it, move it' from the movie Madagascar that he also refers to as 'nacar'.


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My girls are constantly making plays. They think themselves play writers, directors, actors, etc. Their plays are hillarious sometimes they make no sense, but they are so into the play you have to laugh.


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My kids are always making me laugh, just from the silly things they say. My son will try to copy what I'm doing a lot and that is just a hoot. My daughter tries to get me to cheer with her and that always makes me laugh!


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I had to laugh

My 3 year old has given us a good laugh. My partner has learned the hard way that you keep things out of reach. My 3 year old found my partners wallet and has hidden all the money that was in it. We ask her if she has money and she says yes. We ask her where it is but she won't tell us!


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My niece is a drama queen. I mean it. She likes to play any role in the movies, cartoons or series she watches on TV. I think she would be an actress someday.


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My little boy will start pointing and laughing without reason. He does it non stop until you have to start laughing too because it is just contagious.


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During my childs birthday week we ended up having 3 different gatherings and sung happy birthday to her each time. For about a month anywhere we went, especially the grocery store, she would start singing in the middle of the floor!


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My little one loves to put on her mother's clothes. The funny thing was after my wife got one of those body shapers. You know, the kind women wear to hold everything in but they don't want everyone to know they wear it? Well, we had company one evening and she comes out in my wife's winter boots with my cap on and my wife's shaper thing on. :D It was so funny. My wife ran and scooped her up and took her to the bedroom in a hot hurry! We couldn't stop laughing.


I recently had this conversation with my daughter, Amanda (10 years old):

Amanda: "Daddy, what job should I have? Do you think I should be a waitress?"
Me: "Why don't you set your sights a little higher..."
Amanda: "I'm not talking about when I am an adult. I talking about when I am in high school."
Me: "Amanda, you don't need to work when you are in high school. I'd rather you just focus on getting good grades. If you need money, just ask me."
Amanda: "Don't worry daddy! When I have a job, I will STILL ask you for money."
