On Being Politically Correct


New Member
I am curious how the modern day political correctness barrage has affected freemasons individually, as well as, freemasonry as a whole. It seems, in general, it is rendering people unable to formulate any opinions whatsoever for fear of attack.


Masonic Traveler
Our Fraternity has stood the test of time and I think it will continue to stand tall in the face of any test it may face.


Masonic Mafia
As long as a brother is not making racial slurs toward any race , creed , color or religious belief and we except all men and women for who they are then we are fine . We do not stiffle our members freedom of speech though . Most of this PC world I dislike , I am tired of constantly being corrected . It seems this world and everyone in it has gotten so sensitive these days .


Freedom of speech and liberty are things we enjoy as American Masons.

I'm politically incorrect at times, and often speak my mind when asked. So in order to not be redundant...100% DITTO on Custer/Ashlars comments!:D


Watcher of the posts
Most of this PC world I dislike , I am tired of constantly being corrected . It seems this world and everyone in it has gotten so sensitive these days .
I whole heartedly agree!!! Not sure when everyone became so sensitive to EVERYTHING.