Order of Business



Does the Order of Business vary significantly from body to body? In many grand jurisdictions, Blue Lodge is separate from other bodies, and I know it depends on by-laws and tradition, but if there is a universally accepted order, I'd like to know it. I ask because many lodges switch, eliminate or combine different things, and each body says "this is the way to do it" or "this is the way we do it". Any comments are appreciated.


Masonic Mafia
We have a set order of how to conduct buisness in our by-laws . Though many of us somewhat deviate from it if we have other buisness to take care of , such as degree work or the returning of lectures for example .

I've noticed that how a lodge conducts it buisness has small changes from one lodge to another in our district . Not by much , but enough to give each lodge it's own flavor and personality .


Watcher of the posts
Our lodge, and all of those that I've visited in PA have the same basic meeting process. There is the items that must be addressed every month, and even in the other fraternal organizations I belong to, need to deal with the basics. The previous minutes, any new communications, the bills always need paid, and honoring of any guests. The only difference (save that of degree work on stated meetings) are the "program" that PA lodges put on each month. The program(s) are established by the worshipful master for each month (atleast in our lodge) but there are the "required" programs that PA lodges have to exemplify during the year. If you are a member, you would know that things such as the funeral service, examination of a visitor, and a couple other programs are required to be completed throughout the year. The remaining meetings are purely up to the master.