Time Management?


Ok, I have 10 minutes before I have to leave for school so I'm going to make this short and simple. I am currently about to start my process in joining the Freemasons. My only concern before I start is time. I've heard from people that have parents in the Freemasons that once you start joining your time is basically the Freemasons. For example, If a brother needed something or something at the lodge needed to be done, it is your first priority. Basically, if a brother calls, you answer, immediately, no if's, and's, or but's. I do not really believe it is that serious. Basically what I need to know is, obviously I am in my senior year. I start my first job tomorrow. Will the Freemasons ask of me things that will interfere with my schoolwork or my work in general? I think everyone I've talked to is just exaggerating. Believe me, any minute if I am not at school or working my time is up for grabs. You could also answer this with something along the lines as to, when you joined, how much of your time is needed? I stated above, I have time, but I also have responsibilities as well as every other Freemason. You would all understand my commitments correct? This is probably my only concern. Also why I am here though, because I still am currently IN school, would that be a problem? Do you have to graduate prior to joining? I know I could probably research all this but it makes me feel better asking Masons because honestly I trust your opinions more than internet sources or people in real life that may not really know. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
God, family, work, then comes Freemasonry. It will be at least 4th not 1st in most Masons lives. In my Grand Jurisdiction when you are learning your Masonic lessons it is a little time consuming but after that no so much. It is basically up to you how much time you put into the fraternity.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Masonically speaking, our days are divided into 3 parts of 8hrs each. Work, Deity, & Self.

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
My friend Josh-
At the conclusion of each degree is The Charge, an inspirational set of instructions. From the Charge of the Entered Apprentice Degree (1st degree):
"...Your frequent appearance at our regular meetings is earnestly solicited, but it is not meant that Masonry should interfere with your other duties, as these are on no account to be neglected."
We have all met people who put unnecessary things before those that are essential, and the wife or child of one will be sure to point him out. Balance, balance, balance! As candy can be a small part of your diet, it should not, because of the sweet taste, crowd out nutritional food.

I am a little concerned that if you are still a student, you should not rely on others to provide for you so that you can afford the basic charges of initiation and dues. You might consider remaining interested the the fraternity, but waiting until you are supporting yourself to petition. I congratulate you on your interest and wish to foster it.

Sincerely and fraternally,


Plus-sized tuxedo model
As others have said, Freemasonry should always come after your duties to God, your family and your work. When we swear to help each other, there is a phrase attached that means, "if within your ability to do so". The people who, like me, become very involved in Freemasonry hopefully are doing so without sacrificing the higher priority parts of their lives.

There have been weeks where I have eaten every dinner either at a lodge or in a restaurant nearby because of commitments I have made. The difference is that my child is grown, my wife works evenings and I have the time. I also enjoy it immensely. Shortly after I was Raised (became a Master Mason) a friend and well-respected member of my lodge called me aside and taught me the most important word in Masonry. I'll share it with you. The word is "no".


Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my question. I will keep you all posted on my progress with the Freemasons when I finally make my decision. Josh