Trouble getting back into our routine.


New Member
It's our own fault, we were way too easy going with the kids this summer, staying up late, sleeping in.... Now we're paying the price, the kids are giving us a hard time getting back to our school time routine. We should have started this a couple of weeks ago, I know, but we had fun this summer.

Anyone else having trouble readjusting?


New Member
I made sure I started them on a routine about two weeks before school started. I started putting them to bed a little bit earlier everyday and waking them up earlier too. They are not happy about it, but they are thankful.


New Member
I am new to the 'getting them ready for school routine'. My parents always started about a week out, so that is what we did. My son is adjusting well.


6 nicknames, guess which.
I pay that price almost every day when I burn the candle at both ends, same applies for Mondays when the weekend does end, after holidays and so on. At some point though I do hope to grow up a little and have a normal life. But whats normal anymore? :)


New Member
Yeah, I know it is difficult to get the kids back to their school routine. Considering this, sometimes I feel guilty to imagine how I gave my parents (especially my mother) a really hard time getting back to our school routine. But I was just a kid. :D


Staff member
This year my routine has been nothing but crazy. I am doing my best to adjust, but it seems like as soon as I do, something new comes along.