Squirrels Twas the Night before Christmas,


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Twas the Night before Christmas,

And down at the lodge Not a gavel was stirring,

And in the hodge podge of aprons and jewels

And chairs East and West You could savour the silence,

Most gladly divest all metal and mineral,

It mattered not, Since Christmas was nigh

And the coals were still hot

In the hearth of your home place, all Masons abed,

As visions of trestleboards Danced in their head;

When up on the roof there arose such a clatter

Our Tyler jumped up to see what was the matter!

He picked up his sword and ran fast to the door,

Three knocks shook the panels – he wondered “What for?”

He answered the knocking with raps of his own,

And once the door opened he saw, with a moan

Of delight, it was Santa, all jolly and red

Except for one notable feature instead!

Upon his large finger he wore what we knew

Was compass and square on a background of blue!

“Why Santa!” he shouted and lowered his blade,

“I see you’re a Mason!” the Tyler relayed.

He looked toward the Master’s most dignified chair

And said, voice near trembling, “Most Worshipful there

Is a Gentleman properly clothed at the gate!”

The Master replied, “Let’s allow him – but wait!

You tell me a Gentleman, but I don’t see

His apron beneath that red suit. Can it be

Our visitor hasn’t been properly raised?

Must we offer a test that is suitably phrased?”

“I do beg your pardon,” ol’ Santa said quick

As he pulled up his coat and displayed not a stick

But a cane with engraving, two balls did appear

And oh, what an apron, he wore and held dear!

Adorned like the Master’s, complete with a sign

Of “Lodge Number One, the North Pole” on one line!

“Now let this man enter,” the Master declared,

And once in the Lodge room, the Brethren all stared,

For Santa was wearing a jewel not seen

For many a century – there in between

The fur of his coat and the splendid red collar

Gleamed two golden reindeer that shone line a dollar!

“It’s Donner and Blitzen, who I must confess

Are actually images brought from the West

By my Warden, a craftsman like none in the world!”

And with a great laugh from his bag he unfurled

An ear of fine corn, and some oil from the East,

“My friend I have plenty. Tonight we will feast

On all that is good! We are Masons, kind sir!”

A murmur went throughout the Lodge, quite a stir,

As presents and promises flew from his sack!

This Santa, a Mason, showed he had a knack

For making this Christmas the best you could glean,

And soon even Deacons were laughing. They’d seen

On this very night only happiness reigned!

This jolly Saint Nicholas quickly explained

That only a Mason could be so inclined

To make all kids happy, make all people find

A Christmas so special. Yes, Santa was right!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Author: Clayton L. Wright