Biggest misconception ?


Masonic Mafia
What ideas did you have about Freemasonry before you joined the Fraternity that you found out was untrue when you became a Freemason ?

I'll post mine later .


PA The Keystone State
Not many...the questions and misconceptions were answered by my uncles and friends. The only thing I balked at was the fact that I am a catholic. And as every body knows...the Catholic Church (although they stated" the freemasons are a Good and mindful organization that mean no harm") still discourage their parishioners to join. It seems to date back to canon law. 18somthing or other… But I said a prayer or two and felt good about it. I have NO REGRETS.


Staff member
Wheres the little cars they all drive? Oh wait, thats Shriners. I really didn't have any real misconceptions I think. At least none then I can remember.


Masonic Mafia
To be honest , I used to think the Fraternity was for those with money . Seeing how they let me in , I know that couldn't be farther from the truth .


New Member
I had thought that it was much harder to join, and I was concerned about the initiation with all the rumor and innuendo surrounding it. Needless to say, I was wrong on both accounts.


New Member
I'm glad that they have those little rumors out in the world.. keeps out the
rir-raff and mersonary types. Just wonder how we will get the goat up 3 flights of steps next meeting. I didn't have any realy, I did want to know as much as I could before I joined. I have found that being in a group of men, most of whom are my fathers age, and only 2 of us under 35 that it's been good for me. the inlaws still think I'm going to a meeting every week to try to take over the world..but I think they have their tin hats on to tight or the black choppers in the sky have trashed their hearing. :D