Building Boaz book discussion


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Well, that's when it's scheduled, anyway. We first have to see if you survive the goat ride and a few other little 'procedures'.
I had so little response to my question in the "Those Small Differences" thread about, English, Western, or Side saddle.....Question: are spurs allowed?


New Member
how's everyone's reading coming? i finished er up last night. i'm probably gonna reread it tomorrow since we're still snowed in...


Builder Builder
how's everyone's reading coming? i finished er up last night. i'm probably gonna reread it tomorrow since we're still snowed in...
Awesome! I'm glad to know that you're planning on doing this Brother John.

If you are looking for a little bit of fun and challenge, I recommend you cover over the Responses with a sheet of paper and guess at the answers first. I do this myself and I find it interesting what I come up with.

(ya, I know I wrote it, but I don't remember 75% of what I wrote!) :eek: