Can a Brother who has had gender reassignment continue in the Fraternity?



Very true Fireman , but as long as we can discuss these topics as gentlemen , then no harm in it .I have seen these topics degrade to bickering on other forums , but I believe everyone is handling them quite well here .
I agree. There is nothing wrong with these topics, as long as the discussion remains civil. While I personally, may choose to stay out of the conversation...I certainly enjoy reading the opinions.

We have some really good natured people who frequent this forum, so that may have a lot to do with it. It's pretty much a no troll zone.


New Member
interesting conversation

Agree that no woman can become a Mason, but if the woman became a man then it does deserve a look. I would guess the Williams Digest would come into play and maybe we could find an answer in Morals and Dogma. If no satisfactory answer could be determined I guess the GL in each state would have to look at it and figure out what they are going to allow. My guess is that they will claim it is an offence against Diety and disallow it either way. It seems the problem would be IF Hiram laid down your plan and you and maybe some others decided not to follow it, would you be welcomed to the light?


A twist on an old ad for Secret deoderant seems fitting for two reasons in this thread (instead of "strong enough for a man, but made for a woman").

Secret: Strong enough for a man who wants to be a woman, but made for a woman who used to be a man!
Interesting topic...let me throw this out for consideration OK...

Lets say the "woman" is well known in the community and then decides to go through the operations to become a man (anatomically)....but born a female..... what would the reputation of the fraternity in the community be...if it cast a bad light on the Craft how would you feel..... now remember there have been natural born males turned down because they were not deemed acceptable because of things they have done that would cast a bad shadow on the Craft..when you allow one thing , it just opens the doors for a flood of other issue to come up.....
If you allow a gender reassigned person in....will you let a man that has made a mistake early in his life and now has a felony....example...say they were involved in an accident that killed someone...but it was a pure accident...they are convicted on involuntary jail but they do have a felony ....
There are so many 'What ifs"....where do you draw a line...and why do you draw the line there???


New Member
Easy answer.

In my Jurisdiction, the Master Mason Obligation addresses this and many other issues very clearly. It is not an issue of being or becoming a woman, but rather an issue of the other described natures of a Man in that same part of that same obligation. Those who remember the obligation will know the answer.