Changes Being Implemented in PA


32° Scottish Rite
Good Afternoon, Brothers.

I wanted to hear some opinions from MMs in other states on some of the changes being implemented by the Grand Lodge of PA. I have conflicting feelings on one topic in particular, but would like to hear from you in order to calm some of my fears. I will start by listing some of the changes that will be taking place this year.

1. 3 Negative votes will now be needed to deny a petitioner.

2. Masons may ask outsiders to look into Masonry.

3. One written book of all of the degree work, oaths, obligations, charges, etc, will be given to each Lodge to facilitate in learning degrees. This book is to be kept in the Lodge, and if a copy of these writings is found outside of the Lodge, that Lodge automatically loses it's warrant.

These are not all of the changes coming, just the three that I find to be most controversial. I believe that these changes will hurt our Fraternity more than help it.

In PA Masonry, our EA O&O blatantly states that we may not write anything that may give any knowledge to non-Masons. Number 3 above is a clear violation of one of the first things a PA Mason promises not to do. Number 2 above is a clear violation of PA Masonry also, as we are not to recruit or advertise our Fraternity. Being a newer Mason myself, I was very humbled and honored that I had been admitted, knowing that one negative vote would have kept me out. Part of being proud of belonging to this great Fraternity is that everyone who voted on my ballot voted in favor of my petition. This is also a violation of the "having walked the same path..." idea, as all Masons before the future petitioners were granted access due to unanimous vote.

I feel these changes are turning our great Fraternity in PA into another Elks club. I realize that our Fraternity has to evolve and change in certain ways in order to survive, but these are three changes that do not help it survive, but on the contrary, allows unworthy people an opportunity to join the Fraternity. Also, these rules change some of the oldest and most basic concepts of PA Masonry.

Maybe I am over-reacting to this, but I just feel that these changes are reducing the value of the Fraternity to it's current and lifelong members. Even as a recently made MM, I object to these changes. I could not imagine how some of the 50 year MMs feel about this.

What do you all think? Am I over-reacting, or is the Grand Lodge doing the right thing for the Fraternity by lowering it's standards for membership, and responsibility of a PA Mason to learn the degrees without written aid? I look forward to hearing all of your responses, Brothers. Take care.


Watcher of the posts
You are not over-reacting. I was completly appalled by the changes being instituted by our PA Grand Master. I am not happy with any of these changes being made. Not only does it go against our oaths and obligations, but also, the fact that learning has been reduced to reading a book, eliminates the need for the up and coming to make contact with other brothers, officers and Past Masters. I myself being a Past Master, do not agree with these, and feel that they should be recinded.


Staff member
I caught a glimpse of this before, but did not have time read. Are these things to be voted on, suggested or are 100% for sure being implemented?

No offense, I understand a lot of Lodges are struggling for members, but I think there are better ways of getting people in then that. It looks like an attempt to fill the seats to me.

I learned a lot about our Lodge, and Freemasonry itself learning the degrees with my Brothers. I would have lost all that knowledge if all I did was read a book.


Masonic Mafia
Though I do not have a dog in this fight and how I feel really does not count , but I like having my Monitor (Ritual) myself . I can study at home , at my own pace , any time I want and if questioned about wording in lodge during practice , we can "go to the book" without hearing the good ol' "That's not how we used to do it" gem . Take the Winding Staircase lecture (Middle Chamber) for example , I would have never learned that without my ritual , I am only one of 5 or 6 Masons in my area that puts it on and not one other Mason in my lodge other than myself has it put to memory (the last Bro. to have done so was in the 50's) . It was several long months of study , at a few hours a day , at my own pace and using my own memorization technique to get it word for word , letter perfect as worded in the ritual with no deviations from the actual text . And even though I know it word for word there are times I can still get some of the wording mixed up or my brain freezes up and I forget parts all together while practicing for degree work at home alone ( it's a very , very long lecture after all ) but I can refer to my ritual and get it right and back on path , so if I was teaching another Mason this lecture mouth to ear , there could be a chance I would be teaching him incorrect wording and parts of the lecture may lose some of it's meaning ( do not take it that I am saying this happens in PA , I am just stating as to why I like a written , standard ritual) . I have often wondered how PA Masons went over their lectures at home when preparing for upcoming degree work without the aid of a ritual when/if they forgot a word , line or section . Do you call a lodge brother or just wait for a lodge practice to refresh yourself on it (not arguing , just curious) ? I go over my lectures when the wife is away once a week , and my Monitor is worn out from putting so many lectures to memory and referencing it for forgotten sections or wording .

If I read that correctly , these rituals are for MMs only , so I take it the candidates will be still learning mouth to ear . And lastly , I have been reading other PA Masons stating that they will be violating their OB because of these ritual books . The only Masons who are violating their OB are the Grand Lodge officers , they are the ones after all putting it to print . The PA Masons themselves are still golden .

As for the others, there is a couple I agree with and the others I don't , but like I said before it's not my jurisdiction . I understand why PA Masons are up in arms though , they walked a certain path to become Master Masons and now that path has taken a very sharp turn and it is just not the same .


32° Scottish Rite
Written Ritual


Although I certainly agree that a written ritual aid will facilitate the accuracy of learning degree work, and plan to make use of it myself if it is available, as I am a perfectionist and insist on learning things as they were meant to be learned, my only problem is that it clearly violates one of the first things they teach EAs. I agree that the blood is not necessarily on my hands for using something that another Mason has written, but it shows a poor example to new initiates, and may end up lowering the value of the promises that these new initiates make. If they make these promises, then see that the Grand Lodge violates the promise, then what are they going to think of the other promises they make? Will the Grand Lodge change the O&O, and the degree work explaining the balloting process to correspond with their new rules? These are rhetorical questions, but I believe that the new RWGM has taken the wrong steps to adapt our Fraternity. There are better ways to get our name out to good people, and to bring in worthy candidates, than violating the most basic concepts of Masonry, and lowering the standards for acceptance. As I said, the writing of the ritual does not personally bother me, but it is the principal of the matter. If it is in the O&O, then it should be adhered to. Additionally, the punishment for this written aid being copied by someone is the automatic closing of the Lodge. I know it is a long shot that something bad happens, and the PA degree work is posted on the internet, but it can happen, and it all starts with one person not being responsible.

I know of several long-time MMs in my Lodge that are resigning over these rules. It seems that the PA GL is pushing out some of the good Brothers, in exchange for a future of less worthy Brothers. At this pace of change, there will be alcohol served in our Lodges by the end of this year. I hope I am joking about that. I enjoy beer, but the Lodge is one place that I feel should be kept pure.

Looking forward to more discussion. BG, thanks for the link.


Watcher of the posts
As you should know by now, I don't consider anything said to be an insult, I encourage others opinions and viewpoints so that I can determine a basis for my own seated feelings. When refering to the middle chamber lecture, I assume you are referring to the council degree, which was quite a degree. In our chapter and commandary we have written books (in code however) to assist with the learning and refreshing of ritual and various other proceedures. The Blue Lodge is what I am concentrating on with these various new edicts handed down by our newly seated RWGM. These as Kcraig has mentioned, go against the basic information being conveyed in the initial (and in my opinion, most important) degrees of the EA, FM, & MM degrees. These I consider the most important, because without these first 3 degrees, no other degree's would exist, as everything is based on or referenced to these degree's.
To answer your other inquiry about how I (we) would prepare for degree work, it would typically happen a week before the degree night, where during a practice the "Degree Master" for that degree would go over the degree with another MM or PM who is proficient in that degree, we also ensure that during that degree there is an individual sitting in one of the decon seats as a "prompter" incase there happens to be a "brain freeze" during the degree. This seems to be the position I assume most of the time. There is also the evening phone calls to ensure that we are offering the incoming initiate the best possible service to them, by knowing the information well.
I truly hope that the brethren of this venerable institution working under the jurisdiction of the GL of PA show a rebellion toward the use of these written works, and continues to use the "mouth to ear" way of teaching. These are basic fundamental teachings that should take the initiate time and effort to learn.
These of course are my opinions, and should not be taken as a concensus of the fraternity at large.

Past Master #232


Masonic Mafia
I was talking about the FellowCraft Staircase Lecture (Middle Chamber) which is the second section of the second degree . But I must apologize for my post . I always assumed that your jurisdiction used the Monitor (Ahiman Rezon) that has the basic lectures for each degree with the true secrets left out , such as grips , words and OB etc; etc; such as ours . You'll have to excuse me as I am on some new medications that have left me confused and befuddeled like an Alzheimer patient ,and it's kind of scary ! So what I am asking now is , do you not have any kind of Monitor (Ahiman Rezon) period ? Because I am now somewhat confused by reading what various PA Masons have posted on the internet , some are making it look like every single word , of every single degree from start to finish is mouth to ear , or is it just words , grips , and OBs' etc , etc , that are taught mouth to ear ? Because , like I stated before , I was always under the impression that you all used the Ahiman Rezon as a guide for the bulk of the lectures .
Please forgive me if I am out of line for asking but does the GM of PA have the ultimate authority to change the way things are to be done or is it something that has to be brought to a vote? If he does, what would stop him from simply putting the info on the GLofPA website for every Tom, Dick or Harry to read. Here in Indiana I am not sure how it is taught as I havent started by degree work (one week away) so I dont have a valid point on whether it should be in print or mouth to ear. I just wonder what kind of authority they have to make such a change.

Again, I apologize if my asking questions is not proper, I am a naturally inquisitive person. The only dumb question is the one that you dont ask.....right.


Masonic Mafia
No , he could not post them on a web site or any where that could be read by the profane . As it is not my jurisdiction , I really do not know why he wanted to skew from tradition and put the ritual into print or how their voting system works and what authority he has to make changes like that. I will let BG answer that .

We have had our rituals in print in the Th KY RTL (coded) and The Kentucky Ritual (uncoded) long before I came along . I have never used either because I received all the true secrets mouth to ear and that is how I pass them on . But they are not in our Monitor , which is given to all Master Masons after they are Raised , our monitors have all the lectures such as Apron Lectures , Bible lecture , Middle Chamber lecture and the myriad of others that would be far to much to pass on mouth to ear .


32° Scottish Rite
Explanation From DDGM

Well, last night I attended my first regular stated meeting as a MM. This seemed to be the perfect meeting to attend as my first, as the District Deputy Grand Master visited our Lodge to participate in our stated meeting, and discuss the topics of the RWGM's 21st Century Renaissance thereafter.

For the most part, the DDGM's explanations were calming. The three black balls to deny a petitioner was explained in such a way: The purpose is to eliminate the chance of one person with a personal (non-Masonic) reason to block a petitioner from joining. If a MM has a good Masonic objection to a petitioner, he is to go directly to the DDGM and state his objection. The DDGM will then take action. Another purpose of this is to avoid taking a petition all the way to the voting stage, thus wasting everyones' time, if a MM has a Masonic reason to object. So I can understand the purpose of this change. They will also be changing part of the EA degree work to reflect this change.

Next, he explained how now we are openly allowed to ask qualified men to look into our Fraternity because, in one way or another, most MM have already been doing this. Maybe not directly asking a person to join, but mentioning the Fraternity, arousing interest, and saying "if/when you want to join, just ask me." I suppose this is true.

Finally, he explained the written ritual aid as an alternative path for Masons to learn their degree and ritual work. He explained that some Brothers have a hard time getting away from home or work in order to learn what they need to. He also explained that for some people, remembering what they read is easier than remembering what they hear. All of which is true, in a way, but these explanations did not seem to calm the minds of my Brothers in the Lodge. On the bright side, if a Brother is found to have copied the aid book, only his dues card is taken, and he is out. Contrary to what I said earlier that the entire Lodge will have it's warrant confiscated. The GL has not determined whether they will change the wording in the EA O&O to reflect the fact that there is a written ritual aid.

So, I figured those participating in this thread would be interested to read additional information coming straight from the DDGM's mouth. To my delight, I was given a Masonic penny, and a book of Masonic information as a small congratulatory gift for attending my first stated meeting. I also passed the MM proficiency test, and will be receiving my dues card soon. I am excited to start doing some traveling to other Lodges. I will also be attending the School of Instruction in my district, and hope to start practicing a floor or officer position soon.

Any further opinions or reactions will be appreciated. Have a good weekend, Brothers.


Watcher of the posts
Ashlar, to answer your question, yes the PA jurisdiction does use the Ahimen Rhezon, all officers are provided with this. Now the second answer to your question is to my knowledge, all degree work is conveyed by mouth to ear, with the exception of the "charge of the degree", all O&O, bible lecture, steps, grips, signs and words are all conveyed mouth to ear. I am happy to hear that the DDGM was able to explain some of the reasoning behind the changes, but this shouldn't absolve the RWGM from unilaterally changing the history and traditions which have been established. I am aware of some "written information" that is available to individuals, I do not agree with this, but that is something I am coping with myself.
Fireman, to answer your question, yes unfortunately the RWGM can issue edicts to his jurisdiction without virtue of a ballot or vote. These will then have to be followed by the various lodges, working under his jurisdiction. Typically, the overall masonic intellegence of the Grand Lodge itself generally temper decisions like this. The lodge is not a democracy per se, so he can initiate and carry out singular decisions.
Ashlar, I would love to know what differences exist between KY, and PA in degree work. I am still befuddled by the reference, I know the degree, and can't remember the stairway portion, or referencing middle chamber. The only "Chambers" that I remember are from the Council degrees. Sure wish we could talk.


New Member
Just got home from the Pittsburgh Masonic Center of an open meeting with the new RWGM Tom Sturgeon. The meeting was very well attended with approx 300 local brothers and required extra chairs to be frantically brought in ( I helped in the chair gathering frenzy to start on time). After all due honors and recognition was acknowledged, the meeting proper started. Before the RWGM spoke, each member of the GL staff spoke briefly on a few of the new changes ,then Bro Sturgeon spoke. Say what you will about the changes, but he spoke emotionally from the heart and I (and many other Bro's) agree with much or most of what he proposed. After a fine dinner, I was lucky enough to personally speak with Bro Sturgeon and found him to be sincere, pleasant, and again committed to his vision and asked us newer brothers to help his agenda. As a newer MM, I will not rock the boat, but i will sit back and observe the next year here in Pa. But as of this evening,I am fairly satisfied with the new direction. (BTW, new Brother Craig on this forum, I tried to find who you might be, but dont know if you were present.) I will try to keep updates if needed. Thaxn for the time brothers.


New Member
I neglected to mention, before RWGM Sturgeon spoke, approx 20 Fifty Year pins were presented as well as 1 Sixty Year pin. Very impressive and humbling. These men are what I aspire to if I am fortunate enough to reach that age. These men are inspiring.


Masonic Mafia
Ashlar, to answer your question, yes the PA jurisdiction does use the Ahimen Rhezon, all officers are provided with this. Now the second answer to your question is to my knowledge, all degree work is conveyed by mouth to ear, with the exception of the "charge of the degree", all O&O, bible lecture, steps, grips, signs and words are all conveyed mouth to ear. I am happy to hear that the DDGM was able to explain some of the reasoning behind the changes, but this shouldn't absolve the RWGM from unilaterally changing the history and traditions which have been established. I am aware of some "written information" that is available to individuals, I do not agree with this, but that is something I am coping with myself.
Fireman, to answer your question, yes unfortunately the RWGM can issue edicts to his jurisdiction without virtue of a ballot or vote. These will then have to be followed by the various lodges, working under his jurisdiction. Typically, the overall masonic intellegence of the Grand Lodge itself generally temper decisions like this. The lodge is not a democracy per se, so he can initiate and carry out singular decisions.
Ashlar, I would love to know what differences exist between KY, and PA in degree work. I am still befuddled by the reference, I know the degree, and can't remember the stairway portion, or referencing middle chamber. The only "Chambers" that I remember are from the Council degrees. Sure wish we could talk.
Sorry for being away for so long , my machine gave out on me and it has taken a while to fix .

Now that I am clued in and I was correct in my thinking that you had a Ahimen Rhezon , Then I will side with you completely , and do not see the need for a written ritual with the OB ,grips , words , etc; . Look how long you all have came without one . I have always admired PA Masons for their long standing traditions and have wanted to set in lodge with you and watch you at labor . Also , I was not saying that by we here in Ky having a written ritual was to be taken that you should just except your GL having one BG , I was just stating that I have never had a need for the written ritual myself .

I have heard the second section of the Fellow Craft degree called several names , the Staircase Lecture , the Winding Staircase Lecture and the Middle Chamber Lecture among a few others from various jurisdictions .


New Member
I was talking about the FellowCraft Staircase Lecture (Middle Chamber) which is the second section of the second degree . But I must apologize for my post . I always assumed that your jurisdiction used the Monitor (Ahiman Rezon) that has the basic lectures for each degree with the true secrets left out , such as grips , words and OB etc; etc; such as ours . You'll have to excuse me as I am on some new medications that have left me confused and befuddeled like an Alzheimer patient ,and it's kind of scary ! So what I am asking now is , do you not have any kind of Monitor (Ahiman Rezon) period ? Because I am now somewhat confused by reading what various PA Masons have posted on the internet , some are making it look like every single word , of every single degree from start to finish is mouth to ear , or is it just words , grips , and OBs' etc , etc , that are taught mouth to ear ? Because , like I stated before , I was always under the impression that you all used the Ahiman Rezon as a guide for the bulk of the lectures .
Please forgive me if I am out of line for asking but does the GM of PA have the ultimate authority to change the way things are to be done or is it something that has to be brought to a vote? If he does, what would stop him from simply putting the info on the GLofPA website for every Tom, Dick or Harry to read. Here in Indiana I am not sure how it is taught as I havent started by degree work (one week away) so I dont have a valid point on whether it should be in print or mouth to ear. I just wonder what kind of authority they have to make such a change.


Masonic Mafia
It depends on what it is . Most everything is brought to the floor at each annual Grand Lodge communication and is voted on by the Craft . That is each lodge sends at least one representitive who votes for his entire lodge . The Grand Master is beholden to the same obligations as the rest of the Brethren .


New Member
In Washington State you receive a cipher of the degree work you need to memorize. They also assign you a coach. The lectures are in our Monitor, along with other public ritual. I know each Grand Lodge does it a bit differently.


Unpolished Stone
Hello, brethren.

I am new to this forum, having been raised just under a year ago. I am a member of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey and when I first heard of these changes I was very concerned for the wellbeing of the craft I had worked so hard to join. These changes are particularly interesting to me because PA has one of the largest populations of Masons in the country, so I always assumed acquiring new members was far less of a problem than in other states. Can someone from PA confirm if this is true? I just figured if a man saw more Square and Compasses around them day to day, they'd be more interested and more likely to know a man who they knew to be a Mason. One of the biggest obstacles to me joining was finding a Master Mason to ask (at the time, I did not know I could just go to a lodge and say "hi").

That being said, I am not sure I understand exactly what we're saying has happened in regards to the transcribing of the ritual. In NJ, each EA, and FC is given a ciphered copy of their examination; both the answers and the questions, but the words and grips are left blank.

Once raised, we can obtain a Grand Lodge Issued "monitor" (I've never heard anyone refer to it by that name). This monitor is probably 80% in cipher, with 20% being things which, as explained to me, are not considered "secret". I was told that should anyone ask me a question about Masonry, I could share with them anything that was not in cipher. Most of what is not ciphered are things such as floorwork. This book includes the opening, and closing of the lodge, the degrees, their examinations and instructions for knocking a lodge up or down between degrees. It does not include the actual grips or any words. These are left blank where they would normally be spoken or exemplified during ritual work. These books are also not distributed freely. They are ordered by the secretary of the lodge from Grand Lodge, and must be purchased by individual brothers. These books are typically only recommended for officers to help them learn ritual they will be involved with.

Are these books (or ones like them) what are being instituted in PA? Or are we saying that each lodge will be provided with one completely un-ciphered book with everything included, to be used at lodge? in people's homes? during meetings?

I cannot see the merit or value in providing a plaintext copy of the ritual for any reason or purpose whatsoever. Please enlighten me if someone can point to a good reason to do this. I see this primarily as a statistically bad idea as buildings burn and their contents go unaccounted for, and locks traditionally only keep out honest men.

As for the cipherbooks, I understand that these did not exist for years and the craft profited without them. However, if only to ensure that the ritual is handed down exactly and accurately, I feel these are positive addition to the craft. I have seen even past masters struggle to read the cipher. So should one fall into the hands of the profane, I am confident they would not be able to extract much of use. Additionally, there are so many better methods of testing a man's membership than quoting ritual, so while it would make me sad, I maintain the accurate conveyance of knowledge trumps the paranoid desire to protect the innocuous.

I also think it's worth noting that if the GM has the ability to change these rules, the ritual, the day-to-day operations, the goals, the values etc.. of all lodges in their jurisdiction, then they certainly have the privilege/power/right/authority to grant themselves a dispensation to print anything that strikes their fancy. I'm not suggesting that he should. I'm simply pointing out that if anyone is entitled to augment their obligation (or anyone else's) to behave in a manner which they believe will further or benefit the craft, it's the current RWGM.

Can anyone confirm exactly what has been changed and what is the new implementation?

I have said a lot, so I appreciate anyone who has read this far.

What I find to be the most troubling of the three listed changes is the permission for members to "ask worthy men" to join. I feel this has the potential to cause a lot of problems moving forward. However, as I've said quite a lot so far, and no one else seems interested in discussing this aspect, I will save my rant on this for another post, should anyone state their interest.

I, for one, maintain my faith and fidelity to the GAOTU and the Craft. If these changes are right for Masonry, I believe time will prove them so. Should they be a mistake, I rest confident that they are not blemishes which cannot be blotched out on the record of history.

Stay well, my brothers.




I could tell you ...
Wow, brethren. There's nothing like a good discussion about ciphers, monitors (and what should be in them), etc. to raise the old hackles. Now I belong to 3 Lodges, each in a different jurisdiction: Alaska, Texas and Wisconsin. Each of these jurisdictions handles things in different ways.

Alaska: The esoteric work (that is, the work that MUST be kept secret) is presented in cipher. You really do have to know what's being said to read cipher and there is a cipher booklet for each degree. There is also a Monitor which presents that work that the jurisdiction does not consider to be secret.

Texas: There is a Monitor for the public work. Ciphers are not permitted and all esoteric work (which is most of it) is still passed mouth to ear. We had a conversation outside of Lodge about ciphers once. The brother who was Master while I was in Texas said, "I'd rather sleep with a prostitute than have a cipher." I responded, "Who wouldn't?" :D I was not always the most popular member of my lodge in Texas.

Wisconsin: There is a Monitor which presents some of the work in cipher and some of the work in plain English. There are still some small parts that must be passed from mouth to ear (modes of recognition). Wisconsin's rule is that ONLY the modes of recognition must be kept secret. Functionally, however, we keep anything that appears in cipher secret, too (or only explain what it is in generalities).

So, here are three different ways of handling things, and guess what? Masonry is alive and kicking in all three jurisdictions. We are a living organization, brothers, and sometimes that means that things change.