Computer/Smartphone App


Husband, father, son, Mason.
I use the Amazon cloud for the PC but I haven"t tried to use it from my phone. My wife uses it from her Fire, but it was designed for that.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Mighty Shopper, Tricoder, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Power Search, Reversi, Ebay, some soundboards..


Husband, father, son, Mason.
How does she like it???
She likes it a lot. No, that's not quite correct. She LOVES it. I'm not even sure she has read a book on it yet. I fall asleep earlier than she does- I get up at 4 a.m.- and when I call it a night, she is usually surfing the net, playing games or watching a movie on it.


MM, RAM, 32nd.
I adore Dropbox, plain and simple. For a student/clinician, it's insanely valuable- I can keep copies of all my study guides and materials online, print a few pages a day to read on rounds, and not worry about carrying a flash drive.

Anybody wants to try it, drop me a line- I'll send a referral. Helps get you set up and gets me an extra quarter gig of space.