French Freemasons


I lived in Paris, France in 1986-1987. I attended Stability-Concord lodge #19/42. The lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, and operated using the California ritual.

There are five(5) Grand Lodges in France. Only the National Grand Lodge of France (GLNF) is recognized by the mother Grand Lodge in England. All other groups are considered clandestine.

The ritual in French lodges is different from the ritual used in USA lodge. I once attended a lodge in Moscow, Russia (meeting in the Russian language). Russian lodges have adopted the French ritual.


I've been here before
Is that the Modified French Rite? We have a Lodge here in Wisconsin, Aurora #30, that is a German speeking Lodge working in the Modified French Rite. It's pretty neat to go to and see the entire ritual done in German!