Greetings from Florida (we're multiplying)


Greetings! I've been a member for a little while now and mostly lurked (eavesdropped?) the forums. Thought I'd take a moment to officially say hello. Petitioned back in June of last year, lodge went dark for a few months, entered my EA, passed to FC and now get raised on the 21st of this month.

To say I'm excited would be an understatement. I feel very fortunate in having found what I believe is a great lodge of wonderful brothers here in Clearwater and a great catechism instructor. I look forward to visiting our neighboring lodges as much as possible (as much as my cable-tow and mini-cable-tows allow!) If you're in the Tampa Bay area, make sure to give us a visit and say hi. Our dinners, breakfasts and movie night meals can't be beat. :)

Looking forward to the road ahead.


Active Member
Welcome to the forums.

It is getting them little things wet that make them multiply. Feeding them after midnight makes them form a cocoon and change into a gremlin.
Welcome to the forums.

It is getting them little things wet that make them multiply. Feeding them after midnight makes them form a cocoon and change into a gremlin.
DOH! I'm rusty on my Gremlins knowledge. Then again, it WAS 28 years ago.

How old does that make you feel? I could cry.


Staff member
It got pretty cold in NE Fl. Was low 20's. Too cold for my blood!
I am hoping that was our last hard freeze. I plan on doing some transplanting this weekend. But I may just wait another week. So much to do already. It may be better to let them grow a bit bigger anyway.


Active Member
I'm going to wait until 1st of March. We'll probably have another cold spell but I can protect mine without much hassle. The last several years I've done all of mine in "Earth Boxes". It's hard to wait, especially in the warm weather, and I get impatient.


In search of light
Oh, I know! I'm ready to start now. But I fell for the guise last year and started early, lost some peppers and maters. I use boxes too for some of it.
"thread hijacked for gardners"


Staff member
Jason, I'm going to wait another week or two, you never know what weather Florida will throw at you.
If I remember correctly, Middleburg is up by Jacksonville, so you have a much better chance and colder weather. BTW quick side track, do you go to Clarks Fish Camp? I love that place.

I've been watching the weather, looking through trends, and pulled out my Farmers Almanac. I figured I would take a shot. This allows me to start my second bunch, and larger bunch of seeds and the end of the month. I'm thinking of doing three starter dates this year. Give about 3 weeks in between. This should allow the crops to come in over a period of time, and not be overwhelmed.

I am using starters like these Jiffy 5227 Seed Starter Greenhouse 72-Plant: Patio, Lawn & Garden which keeps the smaller plants warm. I am working on my other type of green house. You cut the bottom out of a soda bottle, milk jug, or other clear plastic. And then you can put them over a plant to act like a mini green house.

With the gardeners increasing, I may have to do a garden status 2012 thread.


In search of light
Yeah, we will probably get a little more cold weather. I like the homemade green house idea, might steal that one from you. Definately make a garden update page.


In search of light
I have been to Clark's but not lately. I love Whitey'svfish camp, better food, service and much cleaner.