Happy Thanksgiving


Staff member
In the Spirit of humility we give thanks for all that is.
We thank the great spiritual beings who have shared their wisdom.
We thank our ancestors who brought us to where we are now.
We are grateful for the opportunity to walk this planet,
to breath the air, to taste the food,
to experience sensations of a human body/mind
to share in this wonder that is life.
We are grateful for the natural world that supports us,
for the community of humankind that enables us to do many wondrous things.
We are grateful that we are conscious,
That as intelligent beings we can reflect upon the many gifts we have been given.

I hope you all can have a great day filled with family, friends and laughter.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Thank you Bro. Jason.

In the spirit of the holidaze, I offer this. Spend more time than money, give more than you receive, & carry the 24" gauge in your minds, keep in balance.


Staff member
Thank you Bro. Jason.

In the spirit of the holidaze, I offer this. Spend more time than money, give more than you receive, & carry the 24" gauge in your minds, keep in balance.
Do not forget to give thanks for the unknown blessings already on their way.
Happy Thanksgiving to all...... and a special Happy TANKSgiving to all of my Brothers that have served in the armored divisions in the military...


ViMH Advisory Board
may your stuffing be tasty,
may your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes 'n gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious.
May your pies take the prize,
may your thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs!!
Happy Turkey Day to everyone............... and Jason.....that looks like a bit of OCD.... but good.... cant beat bacon and turkey.....


Troll Stomper
Staff member
I'm going to Jason's for dinner. I don't know where he lives, but I'm going to follow my nose. Pork fat rules!