Hello From Georgia


New Member
After years of studying and doing the research on Freemasonary, since high school to be exact...<i am 25, graduating Medical school in one month>, i have put in my petition and i have recieved my call. Some of the brothers want to talk to me. I was just wondering what does that mean? I cant wait so see more light....finally after a bad start of the year....something great is happening. i wil keep everyone posted.


Watcher of the posts
You have nothing to worry about, this is a procedure which is completed on/with all prospective members. This is called an "investigation" There should be three master mason's, members of the lodge which you have petitioned, who would like to come and talk to you at your home. This is a formality which is set in place for two reasons. They will be coming to you at your residence, in which you should feel the most comfortable, they will ask you several questions, and will review your petition, ensuring that all information is correct. The committee will also, ask and answer any questions which you may have, it is also encouraged that you have your spouse or significant other with you during this investigation, so that any questions can be answered that may come up. Congratulations on your petition, and welcome to the forums. Please keep us informed of your progress as we all enjoy reading about your perceptions and feelings of the initiation process. Enjoy the journey, I think you will enjoy it tremendously.