i am a newbe


New Member
Hello my name is greg walden and i just join this website i was rasied in Camp Knox lodge in Radcliff Kentucky in 1986 and transfered to my dad's lodge in new castle indiana #91 thank you --Greg Walden


Masonic Mafia
Well hello my brother from Ky and welcome to Freemason Hall . I have been wanting to visit Camp Knox Lodge for some time .
Not everything revolves around KY:)....just Basketball...:D even though BB is kinda popular here in Indiana...hmmmmm...Hoosiers comes to mind. BTW, the school that is the basis for that movie is just up the road from me...10 miles maybe....


Masonic Mafia
*With a shake of my head * So sad , so many delusional people . Is their something wrong with everyone's water ?