No more elections at Masonic Temple


Staff member
There will be no more election nights spent in the basement auditorium of the Masonic Temple, 616 Graham Ave.
For at least a decade, the august downtown landmark had been the polling place for the Third Ward.

But to myself and others in their 20s and 30s, it felt like much longer. City Clerk Donna Austad said she spoke with one voter who remarked that he'd voted there his entire adult life!
It will be missed on election night.
When attending UW-Eau Claire and living off-campus, I was excited as an election neared with the prospect of walking down the block, proof of residency in hand, and casting a vote inside the mysterious pillared edifice.
The four Doric columns dominating the exterior and other Greek architectural touches inherently remind one of the "Birthplace of Democracy."

more No more elections at Masonic Temple - Leader-Telegram: Andrew Dowd

Thought this was pretty interesting on how an outsider sees the Lodge building.

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
I commented to Andrew Dowd, the writer, that there was an easy way to get a look inside the Masonic Temple any time he wanted. Just ask any Mason...
