Not a Mason but curios of my family history of Membership


New Member
Hello All,
I am not a Mason but have always been curious of the Fraternity. I am in my 30s living in British Columbia Canada. I have just recently found out my great grandfather and his father were Masons belonging to the Grand Lodge of England. I have been privialged to have recieved some of the history from my father as his side of the family has the connection. I have recived a hand carved wooden box dated 1901 which contains medals, and aprons from my great grandfather. Included were some documentation, keys, and a black book. I look forward to looking into some of this family history and am toying with the idea of becoming a member. I am trying to find out if there is any significance to the family items I have obtained.



Watcher of the posts
I have no doubt there should be sentimental value inherent with those items. Sounds like you were bestowed upon with rich historic items, and provided the box with medals and aprons are masonic in nature, you have received a true gift. History can be told with those items, and if after your search, you decide not to petition, I know any local lodge close to you, would be awed by those items if you elect to not keep them.