Patiently Waiting


New Member
Please bear with me as I tend to ramble, but I wanted to share the background on what has brought me to Masonry.

I have had in interest in Freemasonry for the last 10 years or so. My interest started when my Grandmother passed and I was given some of my Grandfathers’ (who had passed in 1996) jewellery of which one item was a 14 degree ring. I had known he was a mason (and one of the kindest, generous people I have known), but never really paid it much thought as I knew NOTHING about the fraternity. Upon researching his ring I found some great information and made the decision this was something I wanted to pursue when I could give it the attention I felt it warranted and put my aspirations of joining on the back burner due to work and family commitments at that time.

About 5 years ago I noticed one of my suppliers had a Masonic ring and approached him some time later and asked some questions about masonry (a conversation that is still ongoing). I would have petitioned then, but my life went off the rails with a move for a new job and a brief separation (all good now). My supplier has become a close friend would nudge me from time to time to check it I was ready to petition or not. I kept thinking I was too busy with work, family or Scouting and putting Masonry on hold until things settled down. My wife would also keep 'pestering' me to petition and kept leaving books she found at the store or library on my nightstand to read (one of which was 'Freemasons for Dummies') but I kept telling her I was not ready.

I was sitting at a campfire at one of our scouting events this fall and had a revelation. I said to myself, "Self, you know you want to be a mason and follow in your grandfathers footsteps. You keep waiting for things to settle down and for the perfect time, but what if that never comes. You weren’t sure you were ready to get married, but you did and although it has been difficult at times you have made it work and your are happy. You weren't sure you were ready to have kids, but you did and although it has been difficult at times you have made it work and you are happy. You aren't sure you are ready to be a mason, but why can't you make it work like you have so many other things?”

A few days later I spoke to my friend and told him I was ready and asked him for the next step. On his advice I contacted the secretary at my local lodge and arranged a time to meet. We spent a couple hours chatting about masonry as well as our families and work. At the end of our meeting he presented me with a petition which I filled out on the spot and handed back.

Now I'm waiting to hear how the vote on my petition went and it's killing me. I even had a dream (or nightmare) in which I was blackballed and I woke up in a cold sweat and never did get back to sleep (even though I can think of no reason I would get turned away at this stage). It's only been two days since the vote was to take place, so I don't expect to hear anything for a bit, but after waiting as long as I have to start the process I seem be getting pretty antsy to begin.

Does anyone here have some good advice to someone starting a journey?

Mark Farrin

New Member
Be patient, Rome was not built in a day and anything great undertaking is not done half handed without planning. The Lodge is run just like any other club or activity with meetings, bylaws, voting, elections, I know patience is not what you want to hear but take relief in knowing all good thing will have a start.

I turned in mine on the 7th of the month, the Lodge has had their monthly stated meeting, so I had to wait for the next months stated meeting. Then a little longer to be scheduled for the 1st degree.


New Member
I've waited this long so I should be able to wait a little longer :)

My excitement level has gone through the roof ever since I finally decided I was ready and has continued to climb thoughout the process so far. I can only imagine the jitters I will have once I'm accepted as a candidate and then again once initiated, passed, and raised! I don't think I was this nervouse/excited on my wedding day (don't tell the wife that though :1-winking:).

A few weeks back I was speaking to my mother and trying to find out what lodge my grandfather had been a member of in Calgary and to my suprise she came to visit the following weekend and handed me his Master Mason apron. I really hope I will be able to wear it at some point and make him proud of his legacy.

FF Sparky

I went through the same ordeal with the anticipation. It does take time. Hang in there, and stick around here. We are a bunch of good guys here. And can answer some questions you may have.


Troll Stomper
Staff member
I went through the same ordeal with the anticipation. It does take time. Hang in there, and stick around here. We are a bunch of good guys here. And can answer some questions you may have.
I agree with Bro. Brian. Stick around here while you wait. We will be glad to give you advice, and answer questions you may have in the interim. Believe it or not, we share your excitement!
I agree with Bro. Brian. Stick around here while you wait. We will be glad to give you advice, and answer questions you may have in the interim. Believe it or not, we share your excitement!
Yes we do...... and if we cant answer your questions right away, one of two things will happen (1) we will find the answer for you or (2) we will make it up.... Just kidding.... we do like to have fun and mess with each other a little.


Active Member
You might not have had the petition voted on. For example, here your petition is read to the lodge. You then meet with an investigation committee. They report to the lodge and give their recommendation. Then the lodge votes. There must be 28 days between the reading and the vote.

Notuch in masonry happens fast.


ViMH Advisory Board
You might not have had the petition voted on. For example, here your petition is read to the lodge. You then meet with an investigation committee. They report to the lodge and give their recommendation. Then the lodge votes. There must be 28 days between the reading and the vote.

Notuch in masonry happens fast.
In his jurisdiction. My Lodge meets twice a month and it was kind of sped up here. The petition can be read at the first stated meeting on the first Tuesday. The next week the investigation committee could meet with him and the 3rd Tuesday we could vote on him.

All these small differences make it interesting, that being said it was a full month later that I heard news about my entering.


Masonic Traveler
You might not have had the petition voted on. For example, here your petition is read to the lodge. You then meet with an investigation committee. They report to the lodge and give their recommendation. Then the lodge votes. There must be 28 days between the reading and the vote.

Notuch in masonry happens fast.
My jurisdiction is the same -- as to the 28 days between reading the petition and voting on it.

FF Sparky

Is there any offense if you let a future candidate know how the process is going for him as he is going through it? Like what the next step is? I'm only talking about the acceptance process, not the ceremoniy/ritual process. I do know we are not suppose to tell the candidate if he got black balled, only the investigative committee can do that.


New Member
I was told the petition would be read on November 1st, then there would be an invetigation committee assigned for some time in November and the vote on December 6th. If all goes well I could be initiated on January 3rd.

How are you normally contacted by the investigation committee? I'm travelling for work a fair bit this month and between that an my scouting comitments I don't want to miss my chance to get this taken care of before December.

Apparently there are 2 or 3 others that submitted petitions to be voted on on the 1st so there may be a group of us going through the degrees at the same time (again, provided we all make it through the process). What are your opinions on going through the degrees individually versus a group?



Troll Stomper
Staff member
Is there any offense if you let a future candidate know how the process is going for him as he is going through it? Like what the next step is? I'm only talking about the acceptance process, not the ceremoniy/ritual process. I do know we are not suppose to tell the candidate if he got black balled, only the investigative committee can do that.
I'd tell them the process for petitioning. It's no secret. Why no one ever bothers to let a candidate know he will have to wait a month before hearing anything is silly. The only thing I can think of is that it builds anticipation with the candidate.


Masonic Mafia
I'd tell them the process for petitioning. It's no secret. Why no one ever bothers to let a candidate know he will have to wait a month before hearing anything is silly. The only thing I can think of is that it builds anticipation with the candidate.

As a matter of fact , a petitioner should be kept up to speed during the entire process so they are not left out in the cold .


Troll Stomper
Staff member
I was told the petition would be read on November 1st, then there would be an invetigation committee assigned for some time in November and the vote on December 6th. If all goes well I could be initiated on January 3rd.

How are you normally contacted by the investigation committee? I'm travelling for work a fair bit this month and between that an my scouting comitments I don't want to miss my chance to get this taken care of before December.

Apparently there are 2 or 3 others that submitted petitions to be voted on on the 1st so there may be a group of us going through the degrees at the same time (again, provided we all make it through the process). What are your opinions on going through the degrees individually versus a group?

Someone from the committee will call you to make arrangements for a face to face visit with the committee. If you have an answering machine, or voice mail they will leave a message and it should include information on how to reach the person making the call.

As far as the EA Degree... There times when one person goes through, and there are times it is done with several. It's an individual experience regardless of how many go through with you.

As a matter of fact , a petitioner should be kept up to speed during the entire process so they are not left out in the cold .
I agree.


Active Member
A petitioner should be told. The process is spelled out in our code and freely available to anyone online anyway. If the candidate is not told and they have to wait a month to hear anything, then they might loose interest. We would be doing a disservice to them by keeping them in the dark. I will answer any question they ask even if it is to tell them that they must wait to learn the answer because we do not want to spoil the experience for them.


Husband, father, son, Mason.
I'm in a similar situation. I know my petition was read- at least I was told it would be. I haven't heard from anyone yet.

It made me wonder though, if for some reason someone is blackballed, does that prevent someone from petitioning another lodge or reapplying at the same lodge at a later date?

I'm not in a hurry, so I'm OK not knowing at this point. Work and family keep me busy:)


Active Member
It depends on the jurisdiction. Most allow someone to petition after 6 months to a year after being blackballed. You must disclose that to have previously petitioned a lodge.

You should hear from the investigation committee soon after your petition is read in lodge. Remember when you meet with them, it is a time for you to ask questions and learn about the lodge as it is for them to learn about you.


Husband, father, son, Mason.
Well, as soon as I posted that I too was waiting, I received an email that my application was read and accepted. Now I will patiently wait for the next step to be completed, which I am guessing would be the background check.

I wish ScouterRusty good luck!

Hiram's Scouter

New Member
Greetings from a fellow Scouter. Just be patient and it will come and you will be of on a great journey. I also experienced some impatience, but to deal with the wait I read everything I could on the history of the Craft, keeping well away from anything involving ritual, which would spoil the event you are anticipating.