Petitioner from North Carolina


New Member
Hello everyone,

I joined this group recently and have been lurking on it for a while trying to soak in some information. I am currently about to turn in my petition to the lodge here in my area and am hoping to get accepted and get to join the brotherhood.


Watcher of the posts
Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay. I am sure that you will enjoy the fraternity. Please keep us informed of your process and how you make out with your petition.


New Member
I will be putting my petition in the mail on Friday of this week. Pretty excited about it.


Staff member
Greetings and salutations. You will have to let us know how you make out. Best of luck.


New Member
I just turned in my petition on Monday. They weren't having an official meeting that night so they are presenting it on this up coming Monday and then begins the investigation.

What should I expect to be approached with and asked about by the investigations committee?


Masonic Mafia
The questions asked differ from one jurisdiction to another . But they are all fairly close . Take our's for example , we ask if you have ever been arressted ? Do you use drugs or drink excesively ? Are you a member of any other clubs/fraternities . Why do you want to become a Mason ? What are your thoughts on Freemasonry and what do expect to gain from joining the Fraternity ? These are only a few of the questions , the list goes on as to what they will ask you . Just relax , be upfront and honest .


New Member
is being a member of a fraternity already a bad thing to the masons? I know that one of the guys, the Junior Warden of the lodge, is a member of a fraternity as well.

and the only criminal offenses I have ever dealt with are traffic offenses and they have all been expunged from my record. what should I do about that, if anything?


Masonic Mafia
Being a member of other fraternities and clubs is not a bad thing , just part of the getting to know you .It's just one of the questions we ask .

Traffic violations are no big deal , they are looking for felonies or someone who is/was in constant trouble with the law .


PA The Keystone State
Treat it like a Job interview. Be yourself. Make sure you ask them questions if you have any as well. Good luck!


Watcher of the posts
Just as Ashlar has said, they are all very much the same, and as JV has said, just relax and be yourself. They will go over your petition as well, ensuring that all of the information is correct (spelling, address, age etc.) they will also re-read your petition to ensure that you understand all of the verbage on it. If you have any questions, that you can think of, please feel free to ask, it is a "get to know you" time and the more they get to know you, the more you get to know them. It puts everyone at ease with each other. With our lodge, we encourage your spouse or significant other to be there with you as well, if they have any questions, they should be welcome to ask, and the answers should be upfront and open. Good luck and enjoy.


New Member
This all sounds pretty straight forward. I wasn't sure if my involvement in a fraternity would affect me due to the "time restraints" that it appears would go along against it but I have already decided to step down from my position within my own college fraternity in order to be able to commit more time to going through the degrees in the event that I get accepted.

Tonight I am going to dinner at the Lodge and they are presenting my petition in meeting afterwards. I am unbelievably excited.


New Member
Just an update,

I was voted on unanimously to accept the Entered Apprentice degree and should be starting very soon.


Watcher of the posts
Congrats on your acceptance, I have no doubt that you will enjoy receiving the degrees. Enjoy them, you only receive them once.


New Member
Gentlemen and Brethern,

Since my last post I have been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. This happened on June 29th 2009 in Hickory Masonic Center #343.