The Petition is in!


New Member
Hello all my name is John, and I am a son, grandson, and nephew of Mason’s. I have been researching the Masons for over a year. I had been interested but I did not feel I was ready to join. Being surrounded by Masons you would think it would be easy to get information. When I asked my dad about it I thought he would be overjoyed and the information would flow like a faucet. To my surprise my father said that if I was interested in the lodge he would like to see me pursue it on my own. I thought this was a big cold shoulder and see ya later kid. I forgot about it for over a year. Then I found out that one of the gentlemen I drink coffee with was a Mason. I asked him about the Masons and he started telling me. I thought why did my dad tell me this? Then I told him the story of my dad blowing me off. He told me he did not blow me off, but my dad was wanting me to pursue this quest on my own. He said to tell him when I was ready that I had talked with a Mason and thinking about petitioning. After six months of research I called my dad and told him the story. It was like I was talking to a different person. He was tickled and the information was great. As we speak the local lodge should be voting on my petition. I will keep you posted.


Watcher of the posts
Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay. Congrats on the petition. It truly is a journey you must undertake of your own desire. I think you will find however that it will be one of the most enjoyable journeys of your life. The only thing I would say to you before you receive your first degree is that remember this, every mason has traveled the same road as you are about to undertake. Just like being a passenger, sit back and enjoy the ride.