Working Graveyard shift


New Member
Hello again,
One item I forgot to ask was this. I work graveyard shift and oppsite of most lodge meetings. I have been on graveyard shift since 1994 and don't see any changes coming up in the near future. I work 4 10 hour shifts and get 3 days off. Still that can conflict with lodge meetings. Anyone have the same problem?


Masonic Mafia
Oh yes , many Brothers in my lodge have this problem . They try to get to our called meetings on the weekends , when we put on degree work , but can not get to our stated meetings . Happens all the time .


Staff member
I have the same problem. I'm often working during meetings. I do attend as often as I can however. Sometimes I just end up taking an option day. Many of the Brothers know this, and have been ok with it. I do try to attend our monthly Saturday brunch when I can though.