200 Feet Up


New Member
Two experienced Master Masons were enjoying a flight in a hot air balloon when suddenly a thick cloud formed between them and the ground. Being without instruments, after half an hour they realized that they were well and truly lost.
A short time later there came across a large hole in the cloud and espied a gentleman below walking his dog across a field. They had time to exchange pleasantries and found that he too was a member of the Craft.
The chaps in the balloon inquired of him as to their location and received the reply, "About 200 feet up in a balloon." Just then the cloud closed the hole and they were alone again.
One turned to the other and said, " I bet he's the Secretary of his Lodge!"
" Why do you say that?", the other asked.
" Well what he has told us is absolutely true - but in our present predicament is totally useless!"


New Member
That was an excellent anecdote. It seems to me that there are "secretaries" in most any organization!