Fall chores...


New Member
We've started getting ready for the cooler weather. I've be working on the outisde which included closing up our pool and my wife has started switching out the closets(cool weather clothes in, warm weather clothes out). Are there any chores you need to get done before the weather changes? Anything that you've been putting off from the summer?


Masonic Mafia
Take down the screen doors and put up the storm doors . Pack up my short pants and polo shirts . Drag out my jackets and coats .


Staff member
I just painted the garage floor. The driveway and side walk was power and acid washed monday, along with a power wash on the two sides of the house that the driveway and side area meet against. Those will get a coat of stain tomorrow and Thursday. I've got some touch up painting to do. The back porch needs cleaning. The gutters are due before the leaves really start to fall. Need to fix some of the fence around the yard before the dogs figure they can push the boards and sneak out. And some paint touching up around the house. Oh and still need to find someone to re-glaze the bath tub. Then I can start on the wife's list.


New Member
We took care of the pool too and tomorrow I'm cleaning the chimney. Next weekend we start cutting and stacking wood again (getting ready for winter). We will soon start raking the leaves too and emptying the garden.


New Member
I have been working on the back yard. I have a huge back yard and want to make sure I don't have to go there when it is cold. Last year, the winter brought a couple of northerners that made quite a mess. This year, I am making sure if they come, my backyard will survive without messing my house.


New Member
We have to go through our cloths closet also. I have been putting off going through our garage all summer. Now I have to get it done over the next few weeks before it snows. My wife would really appreciate being able to park her car in the garage in the winter.