Halt or Slow Down Arthritis with Broccoli


Staff member
In the United States today there is greater than 21 million persons who endure the most usual form of arthritis as they get older, osteoarthritis. The condition is caused by the disintegration and ultimate loss of the cartilage in one or more of the joints. Cartilage is a protein substance that is the cushion between the bones and the joints. As the arthritis becomes progressively worse, the cartilage eventually vanishes and bone rubs on bone causing pain and swelling. Conventional medicine can offer temporary relief with medications that can cause harmful effects. These medications such as Tylenol can lead to liver damage along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naxproxen which in long term use can produce ulcers and bleeding. Some of those type of medications can also lead to risk of heart attack and stroke.
The researchers have already established sulforaphane obstructs the enzymes that create the joint destruction in osteoarthritis. Now the researchers are initiating a cutting-edge project to examine how sulforaphane can operate to slow down and even possibly stop the development of osteoarthritis. The beginning study will make way for more patient trails which could result in safe and effective natural methods of prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis.

Released in a statement given to the media the research team remarked that broccoli has in the past been linked to reducing the risk of cancer. However, the UEA researchers is the very first extensive research into the outcomes of broccoli in joint health. A portion of their three year study they will also examine the effect of other natural compositions on osteoarthritis which will include diallyl disulphide an ingredient of garlic that seems to slow destruction of cartilage in laboratory models.

more Halt or Slow Down Arthritis with Broccoli


New Member
I am gonna eat!

I have never been a friend of broccoli but after reading through that article and seeing all of the benefits that it could have, I am gonna start eating it more often. I will just smother it with cheese! :D