Wooden "Stonehenge" Emerges From Prehistoric Ohio


Staff member
Just northeast of Cincinnati, Ohio, a sort of wooden Stonehenge is slowly emerging as archaeologists unearth increasing evidence of a 2,000-year-old ceremonial site.

Among their latest finds: Like Stonehenge, the Ohio timber circles were likely used to mark astronomical events such as the summer solstice.

Formally called Moorehead Circle but nicknamed "Woodhenge" by non-archaeologists, the site was once a leafless forest of wooden posts. Laid out in a peculiar pattern of concentric, but incomplete, rings, the site is about 200 feet (57 meters) wide. (See a picture of reconstructed timber circles near Stonehenge.)

Today only rock-filled postholes remain, surrounded by the enigmatic earthworks of Fort Ancient State Memorial (map). Some are thousands of feet long and all were built by Indians of the pre-agricultural Hopewell culture, the dominant culture in midwestern and eastern North America from about A.D. 1 to 900.

more Wooden "Stonehenge" Emerges From Prehistoric Ohio


New Member
Very interesting story you have there. Thank you for sharing that. What's even more interesting is your mention of the Hopewell Culture. I've never heard of them before. Time to go digging for more info.


New Member
That sounds so cool! I'm not far from there so I may have to go see what's going on. I love Archeology. I should have majored in it in college instead of the healing arts that I did. I would love to be out in the open air researching things like that.


New Member
It amazes me how much things change over the years and when they find things of this nature! I am glad you shared this with us and I will also be looking it up as I too do not live far from here.


New Member

I am not surprised. Fort Ancient is quite amazing and all the kids who grow up around here know that because next door is Camp Kern where all 8th graders go to get to know the out doors. Also do not forget that not to far away is Serpent Mound witch is also very incredible.