Deepest Apologies


I've been here before
All I can say is at the appointed place.
This is exactly what I am talking about. Between this and the PMs you have sent me I unfortunately can come to no other conclusion that you re either not a Freemason and are trying to pass yourself off as one or you belong to a clandestine organisation and are trying to pass yourself off as legitimate. Until you offer proof to the contrary this is where the matter stands for me. And as such, I am contacting the Brothers I know in Australia to investigate any new Masonic group starting up, using the information you have provided.


Active Member
This is beginning to make no sense. First there is no lodge labeled "The Grand Lodge The Most Worshipful Prince Hall" anywhere. I was giving the benefit of the doubt when you said that you were under the MWPHGL of TX. Then you said you were a member of lodge 24. All that seemed strange but fine until you said that "but I'am only an affiliate through, another Fraternal Organisation, by the name of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc." which makes NO sense. You can NOT affiliate membership into a lodge through another organization. While Omega Psi Phi is a great fraternity, they are still a greek organization and are NOT masonic even though they have a masonic connection through their members. BIG difference there. You alluded that you received the degrees from the "I have received my degrees, from TMWPHGL, Free and Accepted Masons of Texas. In Melbourne Australia." which makes no sense. The MWPHGL of TX has no jurisdiction in Australia at this time so you could not receive degrees through a lodge there. It would have had to be done through courtesy work from an already existing lodge. When asked what lodge you were raised in you said "All I can say is at the appointed place" which makes no sense either. The "appointed place" would be the name of the lodge in where you were raised and is NOT in any way secret or esoteric. This is beginning to make less and less sense.

What is the name of your mother lodge you were raised in? (I am not talking about Grand Lodge here)?
Where is it located?


I've been here before
I doubt we will get a satisfactory answer. And his pm to me acted like I was being mean and stopping his advancement.


Active Member
Your lodge is not your body. You body is a temple not made made with hands, eternal in the heavens. You must be a member of a lodge. If you are under the MWPHGL of TX then you are a member of a subordanant lodge there.


Active Member
One can only be made a Mason in a Masonic Lodge. TH2012 please stop pretending to something you are not. This will be my last post replying to you so long as you pretend to be a Freemason.


I've been here before
If you read correctly, you're body is you're temple, which is also the Lodge of you're spirit.
You refuse to defend yourself. You claimed to be a Freemason. You obviously are not. All the esoteric sounding posts in the world will never make me believe anything you say here now.


My opinion, The GAOTU, is my proof and you have said that my PM, has said to you that you are being hard on me. Why didn't you question my PM and how do you, I'am being advanced?


I've been here before
My opinion, The GAOTU, is my proof and you have said that my PM, has said to you that you are being hard on me. Why didn't you question my PM and how do you, I'am being advanced?
That makes little sense. I responded to your PM with my concerns and you still did not respond to my satisfaction. The GAOTU does not count as proof. I haven't seen him log in here in a while, nor does he vouch for traveling Brothers in Lodge. Being "advanced" to what? From what? In what Lodge?

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Move on...nothing to see here, people...everything's all over...just go on about your business.
