Do petitioners ever get turned down?


Watcher of the posts
Simply stated, it is a way of voting. Ballot box is a way that the membership of the lodge can vote, placing their approval or rejection of the individual being balloted on.


New Member
Not Accepted

Hello Gentlemen.

My name is Ben, I am 39.

I have been raised in a community within which there are numerous Lodges.

My Grandfather and Great Uncle were both members for their entire lives.

My father was not so fortunate. He succumbed to alcoholism.

As a young man in my teen years and twenties I attempted to follow in his foot steps. As a result of my actions I committed several violations not representative of a man who passes the most mediocre level of moral turpitude. I ultimately ended up with several criminal charges for alcohol and drug offenses.

I have since spent the past 11 years without a drop. I have worked my way through a political science degree and am enrolling in law school. I understand through trial and error the damage my choices caused to our community and to my family.

I attempted to become a member of the lodge within which my Grandfather had belonged. When the members interviewed me, they were very pleased. Then, just before concluding our meeting, one asked if I had ever been convicted of a felony. I answered honestly that I had. He kindly expressed that he wished he had not asked. He stated that other than this scar on my moral character, I was exactly the kind of person who would become a good Mason. The lodge voted, with the knowledge of my history, and I was turned down.

This was 6 years ago. The gentleman suggested that I try again later. Quite honestly I am apprehensive about doing so, because of the chance of being turned down again.

My Grandfather was the best man I ever had the privilege of knowing. He was kind, non-judgmental, generous, and light hearted. He was strong, determined, level headed and successful. He was supportive of the community and the people he was in contact with. He reached out to others to help make their lives better. To me, he is the ideal of how a man should be. And if Masonry had anything to do with influencing his values and behaviors, I would like to learn as he did.

I would value your feedback regarding what I have written. Be it positive or negative. Thank you for your time.



I would certainly encourage you to apply again. In most states, a felony conviction, will NOT automatically bar you from Masonic membership. Many masons use alcohol, some to excess. I would hope, that the lodge to which you apply will look at the "whole man", and see, that you are obviously of good moral character, and that you have been able to turn yourself around.

From what I have seen on your post, I would be glad to be your first-line signer, and I would have no problem, having a man of your personal integrity in my lodge.


Watcher of the posts
I would also suggest that you choose to re-apply for membership. You will have to go through another "investigation" however, be forthcoming to the investigators and tell them what had happened. To reiterate, that type of "scar" and with your moral development since should be a very good indicator to the comittee. Please be sure to ask the individuals what if anything could ensure an acceptance this time. Generally speaking, if anyone is rejected, it should be a masonic reason, even though these may include law infractions, generally they are more of a moral nature. I can only assume that someone within the lodge you are attempting to petition knows you personally, if you know any of the individuals and consider them "friends" then you may wish to approach them to leve on your behalf in the lodge. I wish you luck and good travels on your way to our venerable institution.


Masonic Mafia
First off , I congradulate you for overcoming your past and bettering yourself , and being very honest and up front about it . I know a couple of fine brothers who have had troubles in their past like you have stated who have turned their lives around and went on to join a lodge and become very fine Masons . More than a few of us had had troubles in our youth , but we've grown up , have taken responsibility for actions and became men .

Like the other's have stated , by all means re-petition , be up front and honest . If what you said is true , which I have know doubt that it is true , I see no reason why you shouldn't be approved . What you have done with your life in the last 11 years speaks volumes of your moral integrity and that should , in my honest opinion , supercede your past indiscretions . I wish you the best of luck and keep us posted .


New Member
Thank You

Thank you very much for taking time to reply to my post. Your insight and opinions are very valuable.

The gentleman who originally asked me the question regarding my past behaviors did say that he would be the first to willingly take my petition to the Lodge again. I think I will wait until the summer is over, as I know the Lodges are dark through the summer months, and ask him to help me initiate the process in the fall. I plan to begin law school in the fall of 2009, so if I am accepted I will have time between fall 2008 and fall 2009 to devote to learning the materials for the degrees.

Either way, I am very appreciative for the supportive advice you have provided for me. Take care.



PA The Keystone State
Ben...Don't be a stranger. Keep Visiting Freemasons Hall. Good luck in law school and with the petition in the fall.


A Rough Ashlar
Non accusatory, polite, repentant, admittance of your past and not denying responsibility for your past actions, progression of education and apparent maturity...... seems you have come a long way Ben, petition again, be honest and forthcoming in your answers. I wish you the best of luck, and may one day call you Brother.


New Member
Hi Ben

Ben, I wish you the best of luck. I am 33 years old and had a sort of an "unrefined" past to say the Don't let that polished way of me putting it, make you think I was in any way saying that what I did was somehow "better". Wrong is wrong. And just like I'm willing to bet ,you feel some shame. Am I right? Me too. I feel ashamed. Well guess what? The fact that we feel shame for what we did shows that we now know that what we did was wrong. Next month before we shut down for the summer ,I will become a Master Mason. Reading your posts made me remember my feelings while I was under review. I can honestly say....I know exactly what you are feeling. Now I find myself wanting to overcompensate for my wrongs. I made my goal to be the best Man, Brother, Father and Husband ,friend and fellow man that I could possibly be. Remember Ben....we are humans. We were designed to make mistakes. I really feel for you. I been there. Hold your head up High and remember....we all make mistakes. My beleif, ...We shouldn't use the laws created by man as a tool to gauge moral character. PLease do keep us all posted. I sincerely wish you the best.


New Member
Here we go

Hello Fellows,

Just a long awaited update. One of the gentlemen who initially interviewed me will be bringing me a new application soon, he is enthusiastic and willing to be the first signer. Then of course the ball will be moving. The interview will be next. It has been many years now since I chose to make the poor decisions that brought a dark cloud and justifiable question of my character. The good news with this attempt is that I have a colleague, a mason in good standing, who has expressed willingness to attend the vote and speak on my behalf to those in attendance. I will keep you updated as the process unfolds.

Thank you again for the time and encouragement you have offered me.

Kind regards, Benjamin Shelley


Watcher of the posts
Terrific to hear, I hope all goes well for you, and please keep us informed of the results. Good luck to you.